Seriously, I have the best clients in the ENTIRE world. Hands down. Left to right...Ian, Marian, Buck, Jen, Rachael, Curtis, Erron, Andrew, Leslie, Mary and Lee. I train these monsters as follows: M, W, F is Jen, Buck and Ian and 5am and Lee and Erron at 6am. In the evening its Curtis
T, Th at 5am its Marian, Rachael, Mary, and Leslie. And Andrews at 9am ..
All these athletes are mountain bike riders, 3 of them are Pro Downhill Mountain Bike riders, and some are amazingly fast runners. ALL of them push harder than is even possible at 5am in the morning. This picture was taken after a Christmas Eve smack down workout of Fight Gone Bad where they pushed eachother. Every person in this photo makes my life full. They are the reason I love what I do for a living - watching them go from falling over when squatting to deadlifting 215 pounds... and watching them win the Sea Otter Classics ... it just fills me with pride. I am blessed because they touch my life and they trust me with their fitness. Every single person here makes PR's every times they lift - the results they have gotten is just nutz. Here's to a kick ass 2009 - getting stronger, faster, leaner (if that's possible) and breaking records! Did I mention that Curtis did a 4:45 Karen? Oh yea....I train BEASTS for a living!!