It was cold, and slippery, but worth it. I guess my perception of what I look like may be off...because I don't think I look like THIS...but it's me. CrossFit does give you an ass, where running didn't. :) Must be them heavy back squats...thanks EVA!!
Another fine photo. WOW. Enjoy your posts and photos. Can relate to what you're saying -- especially when seeing it through MY new bi-focals. Ugh.
WOW! You look great!! Awesome pictures!
Merry christmas and a happy new year! Take care girl, Miss you!
Love Jenny from Sweden
Wow! Shari, I'm speechless! Beautiful photos of a beautiful lady. You are by far the SEXIEST CrossFitter on the planet - and that goes for CrossFitters of ALL AGES. No need to compare yourself to other people...you are stunning.
Wow, pretty damn impressive (who knew this crossfit stuff actually work ;) )!!! Have a great Holiday!
Just stopped back by to check in.
i told you your ass looked good...
Crossfit gave me my ass too!
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