I had THE BEST time in Sweden visiting my guy Eric and all my wonderful friends. First of all, I have to thank my best friend Chris for getting me the ticket for Christmas- I never would have thought I would travel to another country, and he made that possible for me. I feel like I'm a big girl because with my fear of flying I traveled all the way to another country - all by myself and navigated through Munich, Germany airport where NOBODY spoke English and then to Stockholm. I truly feel like the world has opened up for me and I am more confident in myself. Thank you Chris - I love you forever! Seeing Eric again was so perfect and I don't think I have laughed so much and been so happy since the last time he was here visiting. My vacation was busy and I had zero time for jetlag - all my friends kept me very busy and I got to do many things. Jenny and Mads took me to train at their gyms where they work, and it was the best to see them again in their town. They have been trying to get me to Sweden for a couple years now and it was incredible to be there with them ! Training with Jenny was inspiring and I wish we lived closer so i could see here every day- I also got to hang out with Chris and Micke and I met all of Eric's friends, his parents and his son William. I instantly fell in love with all the important people i his life and I got to know more about him through meeting his friends. The people he surrounds himself with are top quality family people and they are super sweet and caring and genuine...what's NOT to love?? William and Eric took me cross country skiing and it was my first time on skis.. I think I did okay and I only fell once :) William and I had a race and he won of course - he's so great at sports and very competitive so we did a lot of racing type stuff; skiing, board games, video games, and just playing with his toys. Even though he doesn't speak english yet, we communicated just great and he was patient with me until I caught on. The best day was skiing with the family and William and I had a snow fight that Eric jumped into and I LOST! I had snow everywhere---we went upstairs dried off, Eric made up snacks of Lox, crackers and hot coffee and hot chocolate and we played for hours. It was truly the best day. Only think that would have made it absolutely complete was if my kids were there as well. BUT I will be bringing them to Sweden in the summer and we will all go to Eric's summer home on the lake and just have a blast together and the kids can get to know eachother.....In case you can't tell - I am happy.
Heres a few pictures from the trip. I will post more in a few....