My friend Teresa invited me to her time share in Windsor for New Years this year. I've never been there, and its been a LONG time since I have hung out with Teresa so I was very excited to go. We got into town on Thursday and headed straight to some wineries for tasting. I bought some wine at Hawleys, a small family operated vineyard and just tasted at all the others. The little towns of Healdsburg and Windsor are so quaint and friendly - we really had a great time there. New Years Eve we were the first people at the tasting rooms - starting our morning off with wine, cheese and crackers. I was NOT eating paleo or Zone or even eating much protein! I just wanted to have a fun filled weekend - the last of 2010 - and worry about getting back on track after the indulgent weekend. I think the only meal I had that was even remotely close to eating well was sushi at THE best place called Sushi O'......other than that meal it was bread, brownies, chocolate covered pretzels, whatever I wanted. And you know what? I only gained a couple pounds (never freak out for me) and I lost it all, and then some already......but the enjoyment I felt at ordering whatever sounded good - and tasting chocolate every day was way worth the pounds! The first thing I did when I got home on New Years Day, after dropping my luggage, was hop on my treadmill "Lilly" and run 7 miles. I forgot to mention my weekend of indulgence also included ZERO exercise! YES! Leaving 2010 with a bang!!! I hope all of you enjoyed your holidays and did exactly as I did -- threw the diet and strict exercise schedule in the trash, and ate to your hearts content.
Having said that it was okay to be lazy and eat like crazy - it is now January 2011 (Yes! 2011!!!) and with the new year comes renewed excitement and promises of eating healthy and training harder. We all do it. New year, new me......It was a little hard for me to detox from the holiday drinking nd eating and being lazy - but man does it feel great to get back to a schedule!
What are some of your resolutions for this year?
I have a busy year planned, and my only promise to myself is to try and seize the moment. Life happens really fast. If you don't stop and enjoy it - you will miss it. I want to take time to stop and enjoy more of what is happening around me more often. My lovely daughter is now 16 and driving. My handsome son is 13 and growing more every day. I want to soak up every second and breathe it all in. I am turning 42 this month and it sounds so freaking old to me. I am not where I pictured myself to be at this stage in my life - so maybe I can re draw that vision?
Cheers to a great year to you all!! xoxox
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