Thursday, August 15, 2013

Changing The Pattern.... My life Story via CrossFit

Hey guys..... CrossFit just did a video of me and my life story. It ended up turning out soo great! 
 I was open and honest about my past ....where I've come from and how I got to where I 
Find myself now. It is my hope and prayer that maybe it will inspire somebody who is struggeling
With what I went though and can find strength .......

Love you all!!!


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing ur story. I know I ran into u back in 09 at the Games but dont think we ever had a chance to meet...officially. I too am a recovering addict...mine was alcohol. And in very similar fashion, I realized it was quit drinking or die. I have since moved on from xfit and now compete in strongman, which is my new addiction lol! Any way just wanted to say thanks...ur story is very inspiring!

Christian Griffith, said...

saw that. I've been a reader since your "Brandon" days, so seeing the video was cool. I shared it with my FB network.

Rock on sista' - and I can't wait to see which 50 or 100 you decide to do.


Opie's Daddy said...

Unbelievable story! I loved every second of your video. I am too a recovering drug addict of four years. Since I have found crossfit I now have an avenue in restoring my physical health as well surround myself with a community of like minded people who strive to take care of themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Keep training others, keep sharing your story!
