Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Start Of A New Challenge...

I decided to start a new challenge for myself for the month of August. If I am accomplishing what I hope, I will continue for 3 months...who knows, maybe more! I eat a pretty clean diet already - mostly Paleo, with some gluten free oatmeal at breakfast. But I have a sweet tooth like you would NOT believe! I look forward to my Saturdays so I can have pancakes (my absolute favorite food....ever), or carrot cake from the Buttery, or chocolate anything, cookies, cakes, or any get the picture. Well, then I go out Saturday evening and end up having some drinks and eating like crap again and Sunday I have the worst sugar hangover ever! Which starts Mondays off to a shaky start and all my training doesn't get back to normal until Wednesday - then after feeling good for 3 days the cycle starts over again. I just want to feel good ----ALL THE TIME!! I don't NEED sugar. But I WANT IT! I can't have everything I want in this life anyways, so why not remove the crap thats bad for me ? That goes for way more than just food - by the way :) Relationships that are toxic, friendships that are bringing me down, old grudges, whatever else...its time to clean house and work on feeling my best.

Here's what my August has started off like::::

Mon 8/2/10 weight 106
6am- 4 oz. chicken, 1/3 cup cooked gluten free oats, 1/2 cup blueberries.

8am- XFIT Benchpress 6x2 @110. Backsquats 5x3 @ 160
5 squat clean thrusters, 10 chest 2 bar pullups x5 @95#. 10:12
10am 4 oz chicken, 2.5 oz sweet potatoe, asparagus. vitamins and fish oil.

12:00 RUN EASY PACE. 5 MILES 32:00

2:00 4 oz. grilled salmon, large salad

4pm 4 oz. chicken, 1 cup strawberries

7pm 4 oz filet minon steak, mashed sweet potatoes, gilled asparagus. sliced fruit for desert with slivered almonds.

Tues. 8/3/10

6am 4 oz chicken, 1/3 cup oats.

8am XFIT ENDURANCE SIGHT 21-15-9 front squats @ 75, ring dips, box jumps. 10:02

10am 4oz chicken, sweet potatoe

12:00 large salad with grilled steak

1:30 TRACK WORKOUT 4x200 (34 sec pace), 2x400 (1:18 pace), 3x200 (35 sec pace) 2x400 (1:21 pace) total 6 miles

3:30 4 oz chicken, large green salad, nuts.

7:00 4 oz chicken with pesto, mixed veggies cooked in coconut oil

I hit a PR last week on the track for my 400 and my 800 meter. New 400 meter time is 800 meter time is 2:55:32. My 1 mile time )3x 1 mile repeats) is 6:10 for the last repeat.

I feel good. I am getting to bed super early, I know sort of a boring life - but it works for me. I start my day before 4am, so the more rest I get the better for me. And training 2 times a day means I need more recovery time. I haven't had a craving for sugar at ALL - but it has only been 3 days, so that will probably change. I have a few races coming up and I KNOW the added focus and attention to my overall being will make for a better race. This morning (Wed) I weighed in at 104. I DO NOT want to loose weight - so I will be tacking on some calories today for sure!


Shannon Minyard said...

Shari-I was just looking for your email so I could send you a message. I work as an assistant trainer with Kelvin (my name is Shannon). We've met a few times at the Zone Workshops you've done for him. I'm so glad I read this blog today because this is exactly what I want to do in my world as well. I turn 30 on Aug 15, and as of Aug 16, I really want to clean everything up. I'd love to talk about a Zone-Paleo diet with you.

Also, I ended up doing CrossFit because my knees were killing me when I ran. I had wanted to train for a marathon. I overtrained and developed patellar tendonitis, so I got away from running. I think it was a mistake. I think that now that I'm stronger and with some instruction from you about running correctly, I could reach that goal of at least running a 1/2 marathon.

At any rate, while I babble for all the world to see, what I'm getting at is that I'd love to set up a time to meet with you to talk running and eating. My email is

Michael Tergerson said...

Thanks for sharing your meal plans for a few days. It helps to see other people can actually eat health and stick to it too! Exercise is the easy part for me...eating right is uber-difficult! Great blog!