Saturday, July 19, 2008

CrossFit NSC in the News!!

Sorry no picture.....grab a copy of the new Metro Santa Cruz. There's a write up about CrossFit NSC and a great picture of Brendan and I-----guess he labeled us "The Power Couple". Talk about corny~!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Brendan is just a big marshmallow when it comes to you Shari! You should have heard him rambling on about you to me at the games and he doesn't even hardly know me except to see me at the gym on occasion. I just happened to be sitting in the same group of people. One by one people got up to go on about their business until it was just Brendan and I. Somehow we got to talking about Greg and Mallee and I called them the 'power couple'. When I said "and you and Shari too"' boy did that get his wheels turning. He rambled on and on about you and the kids. I think maybe he may like you a bit...

Anonymous said...

btw shari... I'm not necessarily caring whether you post that last comment (or this one). Your post just reminded me of how endearing Brendan's tone was when he was speaking of you and the kids. I just sat and listened. It was so sweet.

Shari Baby said...

Gloria Jean,

Thank you so much for your great post! It really made me smile! I guess maybe he DOES like me a little :)

Take care girl....thanks for stopping by.

Shari Baby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tuck said...


I do not know you. I hope you will take this with which a humble spirit offers it up.

Kieth from NYC has told me so much about you. I have also follwed your hard work and efforts in Santa Cruz!

Any way - I just wanted to say keep up the good fight. Dont let others in your path pull you away from your goals and destiny that lie ahead of you. Especially those who wish to pull you down rather than lift you up...

Hang in there!

Shari Baby said...


Just when I think I cannot take anymore - I get your amazing comment. I swear it came right when I needed it. I have had my life thrown upside down and the people doing it to me dont think its a big deal - which kills me. I will write your words on paper and look at it every morning....thank you thank you thank you for reaching out to this broken hearted woman. Right when I needed it. I will look forward to hopefully giving you a hug someday...but I am giving you a virtual one from SC right now. :)

Thor! said...


Another person you don't know but admirer for a long time thanks to CF. Just know you have a bunch of "unknown" support from the N-Y-C over here on the East Coast. Keep up the grace and class you are handling everything. Stay Strong!!!

Shari Baby said...


I would think everybody in NYC feels differently .... given the situation and the person involved. It is amazing to me how many people have given me support from all over during this. Your message came to me this am right when I needed to snap out of feeling sad and alone. Thank you! I don't know how much "grace and class" I have left given everything but I am being true to how I feel. : )