Saturday, February 21, 2009

Shari starts a trend....

This is Joe from CrossFit Milford copying my back squat booty shorts picture posted on the CrossFit Endurance site. I'm sure coach Jason Leydon had something to do with it. Thanks guys, what a compliment!! Next time I'll be sure to wear a bikini and stilettos while deadlifting - just to see what Joe comes up with ;) I love my CrossFit family , you keep it fun and keep me on my toes.

This past week of training has been tiring and I am in desperate need of a total day off. Usually I get 2 days off a week. This week, for whatever reason, I looked at my training log and found I hadn't taken 1 complete day off at all. Not good for Shari. I did take days off of CrossFit, and days off from endurance training, but every day of the week was some ass kicking torture. I suspect tomorrow will be a total day of rest for this little girl. I'm not setting the alarm so I can wake when my body wants to get up - and go from there. I've been extremely tired mid day with all that is going on in my life, so rest is what I need the most of right now. After all, it's the rest days that help us get stronger, right? I'm lucky in so many ways - I get to train with the top athletes every day (Annie, Eva, Michele, Rob, Zac, Gary) and I have  relationships with the smartest people on the planet (BMack, Carl, Rob Wolf, Steve) all these people in my life feeding my interest on nutrition and training has been making me a better athlete. Steve can teach me non stop about Paleo eating and tasty recipes, as can Rob Wolf - Carl and Brian, well these guys are my mentors. I learn from them constantly about endurance training and how to be a better coach to my athletes. Because of them, my "light" reading consists of an Anatomy book, Physiology book, and the Paleo diet for Athletes book. I've put down my Twilight series for these for now. Anyway - we are all trying to better ourselves and pass information along to our clients and also make ourselves better at our sports..... right? I'm not looking to compete at the Games - but I am looking at competing this coming race season and to be better than my last 2 race performances. I have always eaten good - Zone- but now that I am Paleo I feel better and have been making PRs in strength and time trials. I feel pretty good about where I am headed :) Thanks team!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Back Squat Sunday

I have been following the main site WODs but today what was posted wasn't what I needed (sorry) so I opted for some back squats. Ended up doing 3x5 at 155#. I want to do back squats, deadlifts and presses every week , along with the main site 3days on, 1 day off and CrossFit Endurance 3 days a week. Doing split days allows me to hit each session with all that I have. I started eating Paleo last month (Jan 29th) before the Alamo cert in Texas. After talking with Bmack, Carl, Rob Wolf and all the reading and researching I have done it just makes more sense to me. A Paleo/Zone diet of 12 blocks and 3x the fat has been working for me. Lost a little strength for whatever reason, I suspect the change of no dairy no grains might have affected me after all the sprint workouts I do. So, upping my fat blocks seems to have taken care of that. I go through an entire jar of almond butter every couple days - I hope that's okay? ;)

Sunday am:
3x5 Back squats

Sunday mid afternoon:
CrossFit Endurance:
5 minutes on/5 minutes off
4 minutes on/4 minutes off
3 minutes on/3 minutes off
2 minutes on/2 minutes off
1 minute on/1 minute off
*done on my treadmill because of the crazy rain falling outside. Ive run 3 days in the pouring rain, and was over it! 3% grade - 1 mile warm up. 3 sets of skills and drills. Covered 2.80 miles for the workout + warm up and cool down =4.80 miles.

Weighed in at 102 pounds this morning, fresh outta bed, naked. Down 3 pounds, so time to up that fat :) almond butter here I come!!! 

Now get out there and train.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

40 and Fabulous!

Me and my daddy, Brittany, me and Jen, Julie and myself, and the bottom pics are of my best friend Chris, Gary, my kiddos and Emily Randy and myself. I'll have to post all the pics when I have more time. Everybody made my birthday the best one yet. Thanks to all who came to celebrate with me. After the shitty text I got on my birthday, you all knew how to turn the night around for me. Thanks! 

My "Fabulous 40" Birthday Bash!!

I know what you're thinking..."what!? NO WAY is she 40!" Well, I am and I feel amazing in my life. It's no secret that I have hit quite a few big bumps along the way and have had my share of hurts and pain, but you know what? They have all combined to mold me into the woman I am right now. In THIS moment. And in THIS moment, I am an incredible loving, blessed woman. My life is rich in love and honestly, I feel content. Isn't that what we strive for? To be content in ALL situations, like Paul the disciple of Jesus. He said that he learned how to be content in every situation. When you really think about that sentence it can get the gears moving. It's easy to feel that way when life is going well and you have everything that YOU feel need or want. But when everything is gone and you are stripped from those things that make you feel content what do you feel? Life has been one huge roller coaster ride for me and just when I think I am at a place of contentment, something changes and I am back at the bottom. I am happy for these times, because TODAY, I honestly feel content. Anything else that comes up or anybody that comes into my life at this point is icing on the cake. I still have some days where I slide back to that sad spot or whatever, but they are far and few in between. Yay for me! I have the best life, the best friends, the most amazing children and X EVER. The best birthday gift I got this year was for Randy to come to my party. It meant the world to me because he is a huge part of my life and I want the chance to really show that. 

CrossFit Alamo, TX

Lunch time workout with Bryan, BMack and Carl. It was a smoker too! 10 one leg step ups onto a 24" box (5 each leg) and 200 meter run x5 rounds. The guys used anywhere from 125-135# and I used 90#. The trick was to engage that posterior chain and rely only upon the standing leg until you reach extension at the top of the box. Only then can the non working leg switch and take some of the load. Stepping with the chest open and tall got a little harder as my ass worked harder! The runs felt like I was made of cement :) Great job to my BMack and Carl! Always look forward to working out with these studs. They also indirectly challenged me to eating more of a Paleo based diet and so far it has been 6 days and I feel amazing. I always ate clean, and stayed away from starches and sweets except for the cheat days. Now - I don't even want one! Well, I DO want one, I'll be honest, but will NOT take one. I feel so good after just eating all the meat and veggies, nuts and seeds I can handle. I'm only eating berries for fruit and TONS of fat! Almond butter by the bucket loads, and I keep getting lean. Anyway, I always learn so much from Brian when he speaks I'm like a sponge around him and he makes me a better person for sure after hearing his lectures. Carl is a wealth of information and always teaches me something as well. Plus we have a ton of fun together! Everybody at the Alamo box werethe sweetest CrossFitters I have met. Their hospitality was amazing and the love they have for each other showed. Thanks for having us Texas :)