This past week of training has been tiring and I am in desperate need of a total day off. Usually I get 2 days off a week. This week, for whatever reason, I looked at my training log and found I hadn't taken 1 complete day off at all. Not good for Shari. I did take days off of CrossFit, and days off from endurance training, but every day of the week was some ass kicking torture. I suspect tomorrow will be a total day of rest for this little girl. I'm not setting the alarm so I can wake when my body wants to get up - and go from there. I've been extremely tired mid day with all that is going on in my life, so rest is what I need the most of right now. After all, it's the rest days that help us get stronger, right? I'm lucky in so many ways - I get to train with the top athletes every day (Annie, Eva, Michele, Rob, Zac, Gary) and I have relationships with the smartest people on the planet (BMack, Carl, Rob Wolf, Steve) all these people in my life feeding my interest on nutrition and training has been making me a better athlete. Steve can teach me non stop about Paleo eating and tasty recipes, as can Rob Wolf - Carl and Brian, well these guys are my mentors. I learn from them constantly about endurance training and how to be a better coach to my athletes. Because of them, my "light" reading consists of an Anatomy book, Physiology book, and the Paleo diet for Athletes book. I've put down my Twilight series for these for now. Anyway - we are all trying to better ourselves and pass information along to our clients and also make ourselves better at our sports..... right? I'm not looking to compete at the Games - but I am looking at competing this coming race season and to be better than my last 2 race performances. I have always eaten good - Zone- but now that I am Paleo I feel better and have been making PRs in strength and time trials. I feel pretty good about where I am headed :) Thanks team!!!
Hi Shari - I just posted on the CFE site a note - a little directed towards you - so that you don't have to find it - here it is reposted:
Here goes - former fatty - down from 317 to 157 last summer... and hovering at 172 (gained about 10 pounds after having colon surgery 8 weeks ago) - and the week before I finished my 2nd Ironman (Australia and Louisville) in 3 months and 4th marathon. Tomorrow starts Day 1 - of jumping all in with both CF and CFE - to train for several trail marathons and my first ultra in September. I WAS going to follow Hal Higdon's 50 mile training program - but I am pushing that off - and will follow the workouts here to get there. I guess like every newbie is wondering - are any of these workouts modified based on the event I am training for. If not, I'm all in - and totally trusting. I'm totally out of shape and will be starting from scratch in both my strength training (do triathletes actually strength train (not!) - and my endurance training. I'm not familiar with the Zone or paleo diet - but do pretty rigorously following the eating plan for body for life (bill phillips) with as much natural foods as possible (rather than supplements). Lastly, if it makes sense to hire a coach (shari - you seem to be the rockstar here) to design specific CFE workouts to fit my goal of marathon/ultra training (with a few sprint and a half Iron thrown in there) - I'd be happy to have the discussion. Like Chris H. - I would much rather be told what to do - rather than try to figure it out.
He's using less weight than you.
Im sure it was a warm up set. Joe is a beast!!!
Paleo has changed my life! Yet I still wish I had Robb closer to the east coast so I could hang out and ask him questions. You know the biggest change paleo has made in my life is that I like it and I don't have to spend my day worring about how many blocks to eat and weight my food..that's just not my gig! I do IF along with my Paleo.
I hope your well lady!
I like it for that same reason. I eat til Im full, and don't worry about weighing things. However, after doing it that way for 3 weeks, I then went to Paleo/Zone and liked the structure better. I am sorta a creature of habit and I thrive off of structure. I still write everything that i eat down. Anyway, noce to hear from you lady and I miss hanging out with you!!!
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