Lunch time workout with Bryan, BMack and Carl. It was a smoker too! 10 one leg step ups onto a 24" box (5 each leg) and 200 meter run x5 rounds. The guys used anywhere from 125-135# and I used 90#. The trick was to engage that posterior chain and rely only upon the standing leg until you reach extension at the top of the box. Only then can the non working leg switch and take some of the load. Stepping with the chest open and tall got a little harder as my ass worked harder! The runs felt like I was made of cement :) Great job to my BMack and Carl! Always look forward to working out with these studs. They also indirectly challenged me to eating more of a Paleo based diet and so far it has been 6 days and I feel amazing. I always ate clean, and stayed away from starches and sweets except for the cheat days. Now - I don't even want one! Well, I DO want one, I'll be honest, but will NOT take one. I feel so good after just eating all the meat and veggies, nuts and seeds I can handle. I'm only eating berries for fruit and TONS of fat! Almond butter by the bucket loads, and I keep getting lean. Anyway, I always learn so much from Brian when he speaks I'm like a sponge around him and he makes me a better person for sure after hearing his lectures. Carl is a wealth of information and always teaches me something as well. Plus we have a ton of fun together! Everybody at the Alamo box werethe sweetest CrossFitters I have met. Their hospitality was amazing and the love they have for each other showed. Thanks for having us Texas :)
Hi Shari,
Happy Birthday! You look fantastic and happy. I always stop by your blog and love to look at the pics you post. I was wondering how hard your running has been affected by your Paleo diet and if you eat when you want? Or is it spread out every 4 hours? Just curious. You look as lean as ever, so I am wondering how you could get any leaner!
Michelle from MN
Are you aligning your Paleo eating with the book or just from suggestions made to you? I want to change over from the Zone (for a variety of reasons) and have been doing some online research, but at this point it is a bit overwhelming. Thinking about buying the book, but did not know if that was a necessity.
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