I know what you're thinking..."what!? NO WAY is she 40!" Well, I am and I feel amazing in my life. It's no secret that I have hit quite a few big bumps along the way and have had my share of hurts and pain, but you know what? They have all combined to mold me into the woman I am right now. In THIS moment. And in THIS moment, I am an incredible loving, blessed woman. My life is rich in love and honestly, I feel content. Isn't that what we strive for? To be content in ALL situations, like Paul the disciple of Jesus. He said that he learned how to be content in every situation. When you really think about that sentence it can get the gears moving. It's easy to feel that way when life is going well and you have everything that YOU feel need or want. But when everything is gone and you are stripped from those things that make you feel content what do you feel? Life has been one huge roller coaster ride for me and just when I think I am at a place of contentment, something changes and I am back at the bottom. I am happy for these times, because TODAY, I honestly feel content. Anything else that comes up or anybody that comes into my life at this point is icing on the cake. I still have some days where I slide back to that sad spot or whatever, but they are far and few in between. Yay for me! I have the best life, the best friends, the most amazing children and X EVER. The best birthday gift I got this year was for Randy to come to my party. It meant the world to me because he is a huge part of my life and I want the chance to really show that.

Happy Birthday! You look great. Glad you're happy. Hope you have a great year!!
You're the best in the whole wide universe!
So happy you ended up having such a wonderful time at your celebration. May your happy times continue throughout the year!
Thanks XFitter!!! I am happy :) My life is good....
I honestly just came here to see hot pics of you and then I read your piece on being content in all situations and it hit home. I have been using running to fight my inner battles but lately Ive been nursing a knee sprain and its driving me nuts to have to back off on the activity. Thanks for the word, Im trying to be content in this situation.
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