This picture saya it all....no words needed. What a fuckin sexy man I have !!!! I mean....really. Do men come any better than him ? I haven't seen any. Here's B gettin some WOD at the gym midday. I love training with him and being best friends with him. I can't believe I get to sleep every night beside such a sexy man and wake up to him every day.....I've got to be the luckiest woman alive. Jealous ???
Holy Smokes!
To the idiot jojo -
I'm not ashamed of my life or of the choices I have made in it. It's MY life - not yours. Maybe you should deal with your own choices and not meddle in mine. People fall out of love all the time in this world and find new loves. As Jesus said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone..." So - Mr. perfect....is that you ? I have yet to meet a perfect human who deserves to cast a stone at me. :)
Thanks for watching out girl. Much love to you for your support :)
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