"Helen" Video...
Sorry, I don't have a new picture to post yet. The Helen workout went great...it was fun to go up against Annie, Nicole & Devon. I finished in 9:14 second place. I gave it all I had for that day since I wasn't feeling too well earlier in the morning. Check out the awesome video at www.crossfit.com and see how "Helen" is performed. I can't wait to dish it out to my clients and see where they stand. Have a great day!!
HOLY Crap... WAY TO GO...U girls Rock!! Great job Shari! Loved the way your running always helped put u back in the hunt--sweet :-)
I was about to have a muffin but umm maybe some fruit now--LOLOL
That was also a well edited video with the music, overall 2 thumbs up!
Great job Shari! Way to give 110%. Can't wait for my cast to come off and I can get back into the mix.... was also cool to see B so pumped up for your work!
You did awesome! B was getting all excited in the end and jumping around it was very cute!
That was impressive.
I agree with gaucoin in the comments (#19), I think Brendan should show a bit more enthusiasm. :-).
Man, he was practically doing everything but lift you onto the bar, and he probably would have done that if there had been another round. I love seeing people who don't mind showing how much they care for each other. And, not just making out in public type caring, but being supportive and enthusiastic when the person they care about is doing something important to them. Great to see.
Well done Shari.
Thanks for checking out the video and for the nice words of encouragement. I managed to catch up and even pass some on the runs - your right. Good thing I can run, eh ?
Thanks for stopping by. I pushed as hard as I could for that day. After watching the video I saw where I lost some time and I should have pushed a little harder. Next time I will be on Annies heels.....B is such an amazing support for me at CrossFit....he manages to pull the best out of me and I loved watching his responce to my performance...during it I didn't even notice him that much ;( I was too focused
LOL...He was jumping because I went out last and came back in 2nd place...he was stoked! Cute huh ???
LOL!!! He was so stoked to see me push myself hard. I think he was going to lift me up on the bar in the last round but I got there quick enough...thanks for your words. It feels amazing to have my man be so encouraging to me and supportive....even on video for all to see ;)thanks for stopping by
AIR-squats video-- geesh I tried doing them last night and Yes I am sore today--LOLOL
Brendan knocking them out like a friggin machine...love the different clips at the end... Doublemint--hehe
that is an addition I am adding to my workouts-- it's a good pump for my legs...have to get my technique better though :-(
I know you like orange, so I thought I'd let you know (I'm really just telling everyone):
The students of Virginia Tech have requested that April 17th, 2007 be a day of mourning for the victims of the horrific shootings on April 16th. They ask that people wear orange and maroon (VT's colors) to show their support.
33 innocent people dead...why does this shit happen? So pointless...
Stay safe,
So I watched the video and it looks insane!!! More power to you girl.
So I'm doin' the zone, fun fun! Talk to you soon.
Shari, girl, I am so proud of you! I watched the Helen Video and you did so, so great. I was rootin' for you and getting exhausted just watching. Congrats on coming from behind to finish in the top half, and in 9:14... AWESOME! I loved it when Brandon came up to you just before you started the last round, and you put your hand up like: "Hey, let me do this. I got it!" YOU ROCK, Shari! And then to see him jump up and down as you got closer to finishing. Oh my goodness, too cute! Very well done Shari!
Oops, I meant to type Brendan instead of Brandon, but you know who I mean. ;)
that video was awesome and awe-inspiring...
i especially love 4:34 - 4:41. a perfect moment.
Hey we miss you!
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