My HOT surfer man
Monday Brendan and I went to 26 beach so he could surf...I watched from the beach and worked on my programming for the week for my clients. I love watching him surf because he loves it so much....what makes him happy, makes me happy! I just like knowing that he's happy ;)Well, I'm off to get filmed doing "Helen" against some fast hard core athletes....wish me luck!
Wow! He surfs too! Your man is a true renaissance man. If you tell me he has a PhD, I'm going to hurl! Just kiddin'. When are you going to surf with him??? I think it'd be a blast to learn and do. I'll be thinking about you as I run in the freakin' sleet storm in Boston on Monday. It's probably better that you're going next year. The weather looks like it's really going to suck. I'll be lucky to finish in under 4 hours.
Hey Shari, I found my way here via Catra's blog. You are sure fit and look great! Sure wish we had some beach here in Oklahoma. I have done some running and cycling, but not too much this season so far. Would like to learn more about crossfit. any suggestions where i might find out more? Would like to try to preserve this old body for just a bit longer.
LOL....yes, he is amazing! There's actually NOTHING he can't least I haven't found it yet. I'm not a big ocean person...but he is going to take me out on a long board and paddle out with me so I can get used to it. I wish I wasn't scared of drowning ;) Sorry to hear about Boston weather. You are going to kick ASS!!!
ultra okie,
Thanks for stopping by! Check out the web site and you'll get great information on getting started, what workouts to do, explination of how to do the exercises, etc...take care
how did the filiming go?
thanks for asking. I need to catch up on posts.... I finished "Helen" which is 400 meter run, 21 kettlebell swings, 12 pullups 3 rounds for 9:14 and came in 2nd place out of 4 women. I was also the oldest!!! WOO HOO!!
Nice work Shari, I just saw the WOD video. Who is that little woman in black? My wife has dubbed her 'the energizer bunny', does she have a blog?
I've been meaning to ask if you'd write a post about how you schedule your running training with CrossFit. As a mountain biker it's still odd for me to think of 40 minutes as 'endurance' even after almost six months on CF.
Oh, and tell B to update his blog! It was going so well! :)
Annie is the little Asian powerhouse in the video. She definitely is the energizer bunny and pretty much never tires! She's a head trainer at CrossFit headquarters Santa Cruz.
is this the "stroke brendan's ego" line?
mind if i cut?
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