OH squats max reps at 75 pounds : I got only 7 reps in
rest 3 minutes
800 meter run for time: 3:02
rest 3 minutes
Tabata squats: I scored 18 reps
rest 3 minutes
800 meter run for time: 3:03 (only 1 second slower)
rest 3 minutes
Max reps overhead squats at 65 pounds: I got only 9 reps
* This was a GREAT workout and my track nights have been paying off for sure. The 800's were easy for me to pace and pick up at each 200 meter mark so i didn't burn out, but got faster. I managed to keep up the pace for the last 800, only slower by 1 second where most people were dramatically slower. YEA SCTC!!! Overhead squats are a weak point for me because of my right shoulder - soooo I will work on making my weak link stronger by adding ov squat therapy once a week starting with 45 pond bar and working my weight up and reps up. It's good to see where you are weak and fix it. 75 pounds was a lot of weight for me since I weigh only 103-106 pounds...but I want to work up to 95 pounds so I can be like Nicole & Annie!! :)
Nice stats on that wipe board, Shari! Great workout! Two questions for you: How tall are you? And is the ITBS problem you had a while back all better? I ask because you look so tall in your pics ('cause you are so lean), and because you've been running awesome so I figured your knee is almost, if not, 100%. You rock!
S, stop saying "only"! Your kicking ass! I'm just now moving up to a 45# bar with my OHS. You would kick my ass. Is 800meters 1/2 mile? I'm not a meter girl yet. Nice work.
Thanks for the kudos....you are always so nice to me!! I am only 5'1 & 1/2" and weigh 103-106...I look tall ? man...I have NEVER heard that in my WHOLE life!! Yes, I am feeling MUCH better and getting my speed back. My knee/back/hip problems seem to be on the mend..kknock on wood....
LOL you're funny! Okay...I'll stop saying 'only' . I am trying to work on my OH squat because it is a weak link for me, just like the snatch - I worked on that today with Brendan coaching me. I got up to like 43 pounds or something.... Yes, 800 meters is a half mile...it's the hardest meter race to pace as far as I am concerned...thanks for the kudos.
Wow, Shari, you're a pixie! I also thought you were taller. That puts your speed and the weights you lift into a totally new perspective. You're phenomenal!!!
By-the-way, glad to see you back. Started to get worried. Can't remember you being gone for over a week in past - not that I was taking statistics!
LOL...I'm small but mighty baby!! Thanks for missing me ;) I'll try to keep up with the posts....
Check out my last post on my blog (titled "The Zone") when you have a chance - I posted a question pertaining to the Zone on there, and you're the most Zone-knowledgeable person I know. Maybe you can help me out.
Brendan knows almost as much as me..;) hee hee...I'll check it out.
Thanks very much, Shari. The closest Costco is in Sacramento, but I may be able to find someplace else. If not, I'll go there.
As to how I can think buying fruits and vegetables is expensive - can you say "collegiate budget" ? Heh heh.
Another question I had - do I have to eat all my proteins, fats and carbohydrates together? As in, if I want a snack, do I need to have some of everything, or can I just have a little bit of cheese here, a few nuts or berries there, etc?
Costco would be your best bet on your school budget for sure. make the trip - it will be worth it in the long run. When eating in the Zone - the foundation of the "diet" is eating the correct 40-30-30 ratio at every meal. when eating a snack - keep the same rules 40-30-30. Eating some cheese then 20 minutes later eating an apple then 10 minutes later eating nuts is NOT what we are looking for while being in the Zone. Eat the right block amount of each protein, fat & carb at every meal. You're going to do great Jacob!! Talk to you soon...
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