aka BUCK - he's my M, W F 5am guy and a total bad ass to say the least. He works out with his wife, Jen, who I'll post soon and Ian. There is pretty much nothing short of intense to describe Buck. He works for Specialized and tests mountain bikes for a living. He rides hard and strong and took first place at the Sea Otter Classics downhill slolum course this year. Buck came to me around 1.5 years ago not aboe to perform a good squat, but quickly hit all the movements with ease and continues to amaze the people around him with his strength. He competed at the CrossFit games this past year and did so well, he even beat many others in his heat. He beat a lot of guys in the run, who I thought would actually come in front of him just because of his absolute HATE for running - but there's one thing about Buck - He brings EVERYTHING he has to each and every workout. I swear, I don't think he's ever mellowed out since I started training him! He's got muscle ups, handstand pushups, crazy deadlift strength and can snatch like nobody's business. He and his wife Jen make up a "Power Couple" and they are a force to watch out for. I'm going to talk them into competing at the Games again this upcoming year - so look for them. They are training hard and heavy every session and have plenty of air...It's easy for me to wake up at 4am just because i know I'm going to a gym to train some crazy bad asses who never complain, and who chase perfection....every single time!!
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