This past weekend I attended the cert in Chico at CrossFit NorCal hosted by Greg Everett and Aimee Anaya. I was invited as a guest of Aimees and drove up with Eva T. for the weekend. We had a great time and I learned tons of useful cues, and corrections on some of the big lifts like snatching and cleaning. Big thank you to Niki and Rob Wolf and Aimee and Greg and my hero Eva T. One of the profound thoughts of the weekend for me was that I attended as SHARI. Not Brendans girlfriend.....as myself. I was a seperate entity at a CrossFit event hosted with people Brendan and I knew as a couple and although it was a little different at first, I quickly relaxed and was just myself. Thank God for Eva T. She speaks truth to me and when I feel a moment of weakness, I call her. When you are stuck in a situation and can't see out (I call it the black hole) you need somebody close to you to throw you a lifeline. Eva is that person for me. She threw me a rope several times this past weekend and pulled me out of the dark cave. Thanks Eva. I love you....my guardian angel.

Congratulations on it being YOU. That happened when my ex and I split (She's who started this training biz in 97 with me). I went to functions and stuff with mutual friends and it was just John - not John & Vickie.
Took awhile as we were together for five years running a biz, but, worked out better in the end.
Hang in there!
Atta girl Shari! You are SO your own person. You are NOT defined by a man! After I left my ex husband, things felt weird for a while, but then I realized that nobody else felt differently about me...it was just ME who felt different about the situation. I made a quick adaptation, and things were super again.
You're looking great by the way! I'm so jealous of your lovely California tan!
That's awesome, Shari! I'm glad things are getting back to YOU. Lookin' good as always!
Oh...so yesterday I tried a pull up and was like, RIIIIIIGHT there! I wasn't even trying for it. And no, I haven't been practicing like I should (since we visited in May) but now I am and I have the f'ed up hands to prove it!
Lots of Love!
Glad to see that you are in such a good place. Good stuff happening in your life!
Can't resist the comment on the nyc chick...her cf blog has a long commentary that leaves out EVERYTHING about why she was basically given a one way ticket out of Cali and Arizona and asked to never return!! She has some problems with the truth. It's really sad.
Stay strong and positive!!
I really wish I knew who you were. I appreciate all the comments...they make me feel better somehow. Anyway, I don't know anything about ANYC...just that shes annoying, stupid young and has a lot of learning to do. The fact that she was thrown out doesn't suprize me. Maybe she tried hooking up with somebodys man ? Thanks for the stop by. PS...they deserve eachother. I was so far ahead of Brendan as far as relationships go...I deserve a caring man in my life. He wasn't it.
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