Yup...I like to take silly pictures and try to look sexy.....I know, dumb! This is me after a hard sprint workout I did on Lilly, my treadmill. I'm training for the Nike Womens Marathon to be held in October - I feel so not ready for the feat!! I used to run 2-3 marathons a year and did great, faster every race. Now I have been backing off on the running, thanks Brendan, and doing more Crossfit - which has helped my fitness a ton. BUT...you cannot be good at both. Running hurts my performance at CrossFit...it's a trade off. So for the months to come I willwork as hard as I can to not loose my gains at Xfit while ramping up the miles. WHEW!!! I also have derby practise 3-4 nights a week now so I have to increase my Zone blocks. I have what I call "my weight watchers" at HQ that let me know when I start to look too thin so I can eat more fat. I never can tell that's why it's good to have people watching out for you. Thanks Michele!!! Here's yesterdays workout :
Run 6-7 miles at a moderate pace with my mother (also a marathon runner)
X Fit Workout :
400 meter sprint
30 thrusters at 45#
30 pullups
x 3 rounds. I finished in 18 minutes and some change. I did all real pullups and pushed as hard as i could. The 45 pounds was the perscribed womens weight.....65 for the men.
You're looking good Miss Shari! Don't overwork yourself and get too thin. :-)
Shari, a question:
Do you know that you're a beast, or are you oblivious to that fact?
You pretty much win at life.
Hopefully Russ and I will be at HQ soon. I have a workout log on the CF message board if you want to check it out. And I'm eating in the stupid Zone. Stupid, stupid Zone...
Shari, your body rocks! Especially your legs. I'm learning that marathon training and CrossFit mix ONLY to a certain degree. I feel stronger all the way around because of CF, but I do find that I have to skip a lot of the WODs because they make my legs too tired to run a hard workout the next day. I compromise some and still manage to get a couple of the CF workouts in each week.
You'll be so strong and ready for Nike! You are one to dig deep and go for it. I have no worries about you meeting your marathon goals, girl!
Thanks for the sweet comment! I promise to not get too thin :)
LOL....win at life eh ? Did I get that memo ? The Zone IS stupid.....but it works and you will do great at it. Stick with it and I'm here for questions or inspiration for ya. See you soon ?
Hahaha, I have those exact socks. You look great darlin'. I wish I had my own "weight watchers". I did see a pic of you a few weeks back and was a little concerned of your lean-ness but this pic is a good healthy look for you. Keep up the good work.
Try to look sexy?
I'd say you were fishing for compliments, but that would be ungentlemanly. ;-)
I can't wait to run the Nike....little by little I am ramping up distance and speed. You are amazing at the speed workouts girl!! You'll for sure smoke me! It is difficult to train Xfit hard AND marathon training hard....one always suffers a little. It's a trade off for sure, but XFit is definitley better fitness...
Thanks....this is actually an older pic, so the one you saw a few weeks back is probably more recent :( who cares! What have you been up to ?
That's exactly what I am doing :|
Sorry, perhaps I tried a bit too hard to be "clever", aka, a smartass.
I meant, and I'm sure B. tells you this sort of thing often, you could stand there wearing a sleeping bag zipped all the way up, have your photo taken from behind in thick fog and you'd still look sexy.
It's hardly something you have to try and do :-)
You definitely look better with the extra muscle these days. Love those legs.
Hope the marathon prep is going well.
Hey Shari! I completely agree that CF is much better fitness. In fact, I can't wait til this running craziness is behind me and I can try triathlons and do more CrossFit.
I will always love running, but after the marathons this year I think I'll be ready to incorporate more swimming and cycling too.
And NOOOO, you are one speedy chick and you will smoke me!!! Thanks for always inspiring!
You always look so sexy to me Shari. From when we wake up together to when we go to sleep together and all though the night in my dreams. Oh...i'm not posting as crossfitking anymore. Love you
That is a nice comment fitness junkie boy.
I know badass is fashionable, but sue me, I'm old, I like nice.
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