Brendan and I went to San Diego last weekend for a Seal Qualification Training...I tagged along. We went to workout with the XFit San Diego team and did a great workout....
1 hang power snatch + 3 overhead squats x 10
5 rope climbs
400 meter run
x 3 rounds for time
Brendan won of course!!
What is SEAL qualification training? I know who the Navy SEALS are, but does CrossFit train them??? Just curious.
Hey, you look RIPPED, Shari. You are one strong woman. And your mom looks more like your sister. Cute tattoos!
They are not Seals until they pass the trining. CrossFit comes in and does a training seminar for them and coaches them. It's really cool.
Thanks for thinking i'm ripped - your cute! Yes, I have heard that my mom looks like my sister forever....she's a young 62 year old. I'm stoked I got great genes...
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