Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Just a little neurotic!!

This is Neile, a Zone client of mine....her scientific approach to exact measurements for the Zone chili recipe I gave her. Amazing stuff.....


Mark said...

Hey Shari,
Great blog to start! This post hits home as it's not unusual for me to fill out sheets of paper on block plans: how many blocks 18 or 20, do I start at 1x fat or 3x, do I go 100% Paleo or mostly Paleo, etc. It's never ending.
When putting your clients on the Zone, what do you use as an activity factor? I only ask because even though coach prescribed 0.7 a couple of years back, it seems it has changed. I'm going to my Level I in August but want to go into it in the best shape possible. Thanks for any feedback, I know you're busy!

Unknown said...

I love it!!! You have fiiiinally posted something normal. Neile is a brilliant woman. Please give her my number...