What a view!! This is Eva T and I in San Diego at Coach Burgeners house this past weekend. We were there for the Olympic Lifting seminar along with tons of CrossFit athletes hungry to learn from the master. I was there to help out with filming, interviewing, registration, a little coaching and whatever else people needed. Mainly I learned and soaked up information straight from the mouth of the USA Olympic Weightlifting Coach. What an honor! Coach Mike Burgener is also the physical education coach at Rancho Buena Vista (sp) High School in Vista, CA. and man - those kids have no idea how lucky they are! They are coached daily by the man who helps athletes get to the Olympics and represent our country!!! Any who it was an amazing trip and I always learn new coaching ques and techniques that I can pass on to my clients, which is what they pay me for!! Look on the main crossfit.com site for interviews that I'm sure will be completely dorky cause I'm the one asking the questions!!!
Don't know about the questions, I reserve judgement until I've seen the video, hopefully not too far away, (are you reading this Tony :-)), but I was quite impressed with your awareness of the camera in the Trevor Win'E challenge video. You didn't obscure the action, you positioned yourself well so that you could talk to the person and the camera at the same time and struck a nice balance between the two. Of course it could be that you benefited from having a good editor, but I don't think that's the whole story. There was a fair bit of ability there on your part, either natural or trained.
I keep meaning to write to Tony to tell him how much I enjoyed that video, it wasn't as good as being there, but it made those of us who are scattered around the world fell part of the event.
And the teeth thing in this photo is about........??
LOL!! thanks for the sweet kudos!! Eva and I were cleaning our teeth in the pic...salad isn't nice to have stuck! hee hee....I appreciate that you liked the video this one will be better I promise! The questions were better and I felt more relaxed. Keep checking the crossfit home page should be up this week ?
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