Client Vivian
So this is my amazing client Vivian. She used to weigh over 200 pounds, now she is a lean 144 pounds and kicks tremendous ass!! I have been training her since January and put her ass on the Zone around that time as well. Nobody works harder at CrossFit than she does. I have recently released her to the classes and will miss being her trainer a TON! Just take a look at her muscles and you can tell she works at it. Anywho - if you want to meet your weight loss goal, or be in the best shape of your life check out or e mail me at to get started. Love you V-v-v-Vivian!!!
Hi Shari, thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers about my friend, Mario. I appreciate that very much.
Okay, I just looked back at your prior blog on Vivian (March) and it's so unbelievable how her body has transformed! AMAZING work, BOTH of you! Wow, Shari. She really looks awesome! Great job.
Just more proof that I NEED to get in The Zone!
I'm glad you are doing so well. You and Brendan look great, as always. Biotch! ;-) Seriously, you should do couples fitness competitions because you would win!
LOL!! couples fitness competitions!!! LOL!! OMG I could just see it - me and Bren in matching black and aqua spandex prancing around the stage in unison. LOL!!!That's funny. Thanks for the compliment, but That will NEVER happen.... :) Get in the Zone girl....if you need help that's what i do....I can hook you up. Give me your e mail...e mail me at
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