Monday, June 25, 2007


Here's Sage and her dad, Coach Burg..he's using her as an example while teaching the hang clean. This was a video - but I can't figure out how to make it might just play on its own. If it does - watch her! She's bad ass!!!


Unknown said...

Shari, I'd love to see the video - is it already online somewhere? YouTube perhaps?

Shari Baby said...

Hmm....I doubt it. I was the only one filming besides Tony and he doesn't post them. I'll try to figure it out and post again....

GB said...

She's on some of the exercise videos on the CF website and she really is badass! Very cool that you got to hang with all of them this weekend.

Are you excited about the upcoming marathons?! Can't wait for the CIM! I'm still just aiming for a 3:20 there. As long as I beat my Boston time, I'll be happy. You will FLYYYYY!

Shari Baby said...

Hi GB,
She is badass....I want to be like her. I am VERY excited about the marathons. I have been running pretty great...Brendan and I went for a tempo run last week and maintained a 6:45 minute mile for 4 miles.....I was supposed to run for 30 minutes. :( Then today I ran a 7 miler at a moderate pace...I really start serious around July performance at CrossFit I'm sure will go down a bit in strength - its a trade off, right ? I did get 35 pull ups the otherday though :) How is your training going ?