Monday, December 31, 2007
Boys will Be Boys...
Family Workout....
40 kettlebell swings
80 situps
250 m row
30 kb
60 sit ups
500 meter row
20 kb
40 sit ups
750 meter row
10 kb
20 sit ups
1000 meter row.
I cut the reps down for the kids but they did the whole workout....That's my son in the sit up and his friend Jacob in a kb swing and me being in a kb swing also. My big man in the back ground getting ready for the workout.....We had fun and the boys put on gloves and sparred for a while after the workout too. We also practiced some gymnastic moves like skin the cat, front levers, and handstands. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30 I teach a kids class at NSC - my son and his friend have committed to taking the classes.....we'll see :)
Horn o Plenty....
BBQ tri tip, Kale with garlic, onions, sundried tomatoes and olive oil mixed with cannelini beans. YUMMY!! Perfect 2 block dinner.
Today I plan on making some turkey soup with kale and quinoa, stir fry tofu with plaenty of vegies, and a few crock pot meals for the week. If you spend the time to prepare the foods ahead of time your success rate to stay on target with your diet is way easier. Read Tracy's blog - she cooks for the week and packs meals to put in the freezer - it helps her to always eat healthy. Let's all make the decision to do it too. Be inspired by the delicious foods at the store. Find new ways to cook them up. Cook up some acorn squash and fill with browned and seasoned turkey meat topped with slivered toasted almonds. YUMMY and healthful!!
Today's Zone foods :
Breakfast tortilla....egg whites mixed with cottage cheese and cooked up. Sauteed red peppers, black beans, garlic and onions . Mix and spooned into a tortilla, topped with hot sauce. (3 blocks)
Slim fast high protein bar (2 blocks)
Turkey meat, apple, almonds (2 blocks)
Salad with chicken and dressing ( 2 blocks)
Yummy dinner......(2 blocks)
Friday, December 28, 2007
A new years coming.....are you ready ?

Today's Workout :
Row 800 meters alternate 100 meters hard, 100 meters easy
Warm up stretches with stick.
Max Backsquat
155 was my max today (batteling a flu. It's all I had in me today)
100 burpees for time:
9:32 (man this hurt after the squats)
Run 6 miles on treadmill. Start 1 mile warm up pace, Mile 2 & 3 7:53 pace. Mile 4 & 5 7:15 pace. Mile 6 kick it up to a 7:00 pace. I haven't been able to run much and my hip felt okay. My speed is still NOT there, but time to get it back is NOW! Boston waits for no one!!
After that I cleaned up, had a Zone lunch and settled in by the fire curled up in bed with my daughter to watch movies and get better. Brendan came home early to play the new Playstation 3 with Brandon. They love playing games together. They're good friends. Just what i hoped for :) Have a great day all.......
Today's Zone Meals :
6am Balance bar (2 blocks)
9am 2 egg omelet with mushrooms, spinach and feta cheese. 1/2 small bagel with butter. (3 blocks)
12 noon 1 ounce cheese, 1/2 apple, 6 almonds (1 block)
2pm 3 ounces ground turkey with tomatoe sauce, 1 pear, 6 cashews (2 blocks)
6pm dinner will probably be turkey burger, green beans and brocolli with garlic sauce, roasted almonds (2 blocks)
8-9pm some 2 block snack......
12 blocks for the day.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Day After Christmas Fun
Workout :
Ran 6 miles outside and felt great! No hip problem, the weather was awesome and sunny and it felt amazingly refreshing to be outside running with no pain. My hip is back to normal. Thank you God! We're going to Brendan's moms tonight to hook up with his sister and brother in law and their kids to exchange gifts. Haveta get to bed early though - 5 am clients tomorrow....Hope you all had a great Christmas too.
Christmas lovers...
my cookie monsters!!
Christmas with family....
Armenian Ass Whopping!!
7 ring dips
400 meter run
21 kettlebell swings
12 pullups
x3 rounds for time. Basically Helen with sme ring dips thrown in for fun?! I started off bad because my wristbuckled on the very first dip....I pulled it together and caught up to Seven on the run and sprinted past him. I took me a few breaths to pull it together before getting the damn kb...we played cat and mouse like this the whole race. He would kick my ass....I would sprint to catch him on the runs and pass him.....he's passme on the kb's....I'd pass him on the pullups....he's get me on the dips. THE WHOLE 3 ROUNDS!! Then I managed to beat him - but barely. I'm claiming it though. Take that Seven!! Next time I'll win by a bigger margin. Let me add that I weigh only 105 and he's like 170 or so and we used to same weight.....:)
Brendan was proud of me and so was the camera crew. Thanks Patrick and Tony!!
Christmas Party!!!
Christmas party in her new house off 26th. Marian and her man Ian have been training with me for a while now and let me just say - they are incredible athletes! Marian has muscle like she never had before, can do squats without falling forward, and just kicks ass. Always tries her hardest, and that makes for a dream client for me. Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Powerful Woman....
CrossFit workout :
20 backsquats at 115#
5 rope climbs
16 back squats
4 rope climbs
12 back squats
3 rope climbs
8 back squats
2 rope climbs
4 back squats
1 rope climb
It was hard and I LOVED it!!! Today I ran 6 miles with tabata section at a level 10 on the treadmill thrown into the mix as well. I saw the idea on the crossfit main site a few days ago and watched the video and thought I'd give it a try. FUCKIN hard! But I love it that way :) I'm always up for a should try it if you have access to a treadmill. I have Lilly right next to my bed....:)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
For you Brendan :)
Yesterday's workout :
I got to 170 for the last set. A couple months ago my 3 rep max was 160.
Push press
I got to 100 pounds! My old 3 rep max was 90!!
Today we did this workout :
25 handstand pushups run 400 meters
20 handstand pushups run 400 meters
15 handstand pushups run 400 meters
10 handstand pushups run 400 meters
5 handstand pushups run 400 meters
I did 6 handstand pushups to the ground and up (never did that before) then finished the
workout by touching down to an abmat under my head and pressing out. Never did that before either!!
I was stoked!! Guess I'm getting stronger even though I don't look like I am :) Still only weigh 105 - 106. I'm trying - I'm trying. My running has been a little hindered since my hip injury. It comes and goes. Tomorrow I am planning on doing a tempo run outside using some of the POSE techniques I learned about. :)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Jumping pullups on the dip bars
Miss Chloe Buttercup
lashes anyone ???
Warriors Basketball Game!!!
Comedian Dane Cook!!!
Santa Cruz Drive-ins Close Down!!
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