Yesterday's workout :
I got to 170 for the last set. A couple months ago my 3 rep max was 160.
Push press
I got to 100 pounds! My old 3 rep max was 90!!
Today we did this workout :
25 handstand pushups run 400 meters
20 handstand pushups run 400 meters
15 handstand pushups run 400 meters
10 handstand pushups run 400 meters
5 handstand pushups run 400 meters
I did 6 handstand pushups to the ground and up (never did that before) then finished the
workout by touching down to an abmat under my head and pressing out. Never did that before either!!
I was stoked!! Guess I'm getting stronger even though I don't look like I am :) Still only weigh 105 - 106. I'm trying - I'm trying. My running has been a little hindered since my hip injury. It comes and goes. Tomorrow I am planning on doing a tempo run outside using some of the POSE techniques I learned about. :)
You're kickin' ass, Shari! Very strong, and superfit. But you always are!
Hey, I missed it... what happened to your hip? :(
Also, let me know what you think about the POSE method. I've researched it before and tried it, but for some reason I just can't make it stick. My body just wants to do what it wants to do. So far so good and no injuries.
Shari - GREAT PR's!!! WooHooo...
Very impressive. I plan on being over there sometime in 08 for the trip to Santa Cruz ("official" L2 cert). Definitely looking forward to meeting you and Brendan!
Have an awesome and zone approved Christmas! LOL
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