CrossFit workout :
20 backsquats at 115#
5 rope climbs
16 back squats
4 rope climbs
12 back squats
3 rope climbs
8 back squats
2 rope climbs
4 back squats
1 rope climb
It was hard and I LOVED it!!! Today I ran 6 miles with tabata section at a level 10 on the treadmill thrown into the mix as well. I saw the idea on the crossfit main site a few days ago and watched the video and thought I'd give it a try. FUCKIN hard! But I love it that way :) I'm always up for a should try it if you have access to a treadmill. I have Lilly right next to my bed....:)
Jojo -
So whoever you are I feel sorry for you. You must have a worthless pathetic life with nothing to fill it up with except to comment on another persons life. How sad you are ! PLUS you choose to throw Jesus at me and call me a hypocrite....I loathe people like yourself who feel the need to act "religious" and throw scripture at people to make themselves somehow better than everybody else. I'm stoked however that you must like me so much that you keep coming back to my page to see what I'm up to. Not only that, but to send me mean messages stating how horrible a human I am. You make comments about "bearing your body and your lovers as well..." to me that just means your so freaking jealous that you can't stand it. Listen "Jojo" you comment, but don't leave me a way to find out who you are - to me, that's a coward. Enjoy your sad life - alone - beating people over the head with religion. I bet Jesus is proud of you. Your words make me stronger. The laugh is on you......keep the comments coming. I like them :)
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