This picture was taken last year on Christmas day. Brendan and I went for a run together and did a stair sprint workout. We sprinted up this flight of stairs, walked down and repeated 5 times. Talk about HARD! With the new year approaching, it's a time to reflect upon the year that's closing, and think about what this year will bring. Without focus, nothing can come to fruition. 2007 Was a CRAZY year for me. Too many downs to mention - but then there were incredible ups as well. CrossFit North Santa Cruz opened it's doors and continues to florish. Brendan and I put our love to the test many times and came out of every lull a stronger couple more in love with eachother. My relationship with my children has matured and deepened like I've always hoped for. Brendan and I are looking to buy a house with more room for the family near the beach and are incredibly excited to hunt together. The kids are stoked too, even though they love this house. I have a feeling deep inside me that tells me this new year, 2008, will bring to me things I have secretly dreamed of and hoped for. I'm excited of the posibilities and feel stronger than I ever have. Physically I am stronger, but emotionally I am a rock! I have been knocked down time after time, incidence after incidence - and guess what ? I got right back up dusted myself off, wiped my tears.....and got back to business. (Well, my daughter Sarah, my son Brandon and my man Brendan actually took turns drying those tears...) That which does not kill me - can only make me stronger! It's now my motto......people would love to watch me fail in this life - but that will NEVER happen. What are YOU looking forward to this new year ? What goals have to set your eyes on to achieve ? And how are you going to get there ? I would REALLY like to hear....lets inspire eachother to become the person you strive to be in this life. Afterall, this is NOT a dress rehersal. As my pastor used to say.....
Today's Workout :
Row 800 meters alternate 100 meters hard, 100 meters easy
Warm up stretches with stick.
Max Backsquat10-5-3-3-2-2-1-1-
155 was my max today (batteling a flu. It's all I had in me today)
100 burpees for time:
9:32 (man this hurt after the squats)
Run 6 miles on treadmill. Start 1 mile warm up pace, Mile 2 & 3 7:53 pace. Mile 4 & 5 7:15 pace. Mile 6 kick it up to a 7:00 pace. I haven't been able to run much and my hip felt okay. My speed is still NOT there, but time to get it back is NOW! Boston waits for no one!!
After that I cleaned up, had a Zone lunch and settled in by the fire curled up in bed with my daughter to watch movies and get better. Brendan came home early to play the new Playstation 3 with Brandon. They love playing games together. They're good friends. Just what i hoped for :) Have a great day all.......
Today's Zone Meals :
6am Balance bar (2 blocks)
9am 2 egg omelet with mushrooms, spinach and feta cheese. 1/2 small bagel with butter. (3 blocks)
12 noon 1 ounce cheese, 1/2 apple, 6 almonds (1 block)
2pm 3 ounces ground turkey with tomatoe sauce, 1 pear, 6 cashews (2 blocks)
6pm dinner will probably be turkey burger, green beans and brocolli with garlic sauce, roasted almonds (2 blocks)
8-9pm some 2 block snack......
12 blocks for the day.
Shari -
I heard you were super sick! I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and praying that you are well soon! Take it easy girl!
I had my shoulder scoped two months ago. It ended up needing more work than we first thought. The Dr. had to tighten my capsule. At this point pull-ups are way far away so are thrusters, pretty much all over head work. Up to this week I could not do air squats beacuse if my arm moved to fast it puts me on the floor in pain! It's a long road, but I'll make a come back! Right not I'm pulling sand bags around the gym with a waist belt! LOL!
Send me an email so we can talk about your guest blog.
Hey, Shari! Happy New Year!
I love that you're posting the zone meals again! It gives me such good ideas...I'm very uncreative if left to my own devices.
So glad all's well with you. Big hug from SLC.
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