Me and coach Carl. He's pretty much fast as lightning! Hopefully some of that will rub off on me and I'll get faster too!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
SF Crippler gets ahold of me!!
Me and coach Carl. He's pretty much fast as lightning! Hopefully some of that will rub off on me and I'll get faster too!!
I can clean up pretty good....
Chicago Running Cert
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ian Schiller

This is my client Ian. He's Marians boyfriend and trains with me Monday Wednesday and Friday with Jen and Buck (ill post them later) at 5am at NSC. Ian's an avid mountain bike rider (he's pretty bad ass at it) and owns his own media company Parish Media. He shoots commercials, print work, and picture ads for many clients including some sports teams. He's a jokester and makes coming in at 5am fun for me. Ian's favorite thing to do is to try and get me to compromise the workout somehow. Either by reps scheme or weight used or rounds. He says that one day the workout will be for them to make me take a dose of my own medicine and they'll train me while they yell at me like I do to them! I love it. Ian's always been pretty strong, but he's gotten a lot stronger for sure. He has amazing back squat, bench press and snatch strength and races Buck at every workout. Another amazing client of mine! Oh, Ian started training with me shortly after Marian did...maybe it was a competitive streak in the house. these guys!! Thanks for making Monday - Friday 4am wake up easy to do. Not very many people can say that they love what they do for a living and I am one of the lucky ones who can say that and truly mean it. I'm proud to be their trainer!!!
Marian Crockett

Ah...Marian. She is probably the client that has made the most improvement. I've been training Marian since 2006 and she could not perform a squat without falling over and couldn't hold her body in a plank. She was weak beyond weak and had zero muscle mass. She was a runner when I met her...actually met her at the Santa Cruz Track Club Monday night workout. It was her, Jen and Leslie who asked me while doing 400 meter repeats what I did to look the way I do...I said "CrossFit baby!" The rest is history! They quickly became my first crazy 5am group and would train with me every Tues and Thurs 5am at the old CrossFit SC HQ gym. I taught Marian how to fuel her body for performance and to taper from running so much so she could put her all into the programming at CF. Look how her body changed! I'm going to ask her for a before pic so you all can see what i mean....but trust me, she looks like a different woman. Healthy, Strong and making PR's left and right. Marian has a crazy deadlift fact I think that's her fav exercise. Her 3 rep max is 190 and she's a little thing weighing 115 pounds. She's got 13 kipping pullups and she worked so hard to just get 1. I love my 5am girls.....and I love watching them do what they didn't think possible for them, and see how their bodies up I have to post about Jen Buckley....she's nothing short of amazing!!! Yea Marian!!!
Brittany aka BritHoney

I'm going to start introducing my amazing clients here on my bog. This is Brittnay....she's a talented model and also starred in a musical where she played "Ariel" from The Little Mermaid. Can you see the resemblance? I met BritHoney a few months back when I was walking out of Starbucks in Scotts Valley. She ran up to me at my car and asked if I was a personal trainer. I said..."yea I am...I train here in Sv at CrossFit....blah blah blah..." She asked for my business card and told me she wanted to look like me. I thought..."aww...she's so freaking sweet!" Anyway, she ended up emailing me and the rest is history. When she first came to me she could maybe perform 5 air squats at a time without having to stop for air and to stretch out her legs. Seriously...she would get winded and cheat full extension as best she could and hated anything that was too sweaty. BUT NOW.....she is amazing! She can do squats without a problem, pushups, dips, and her power clean is beautiful!! It's truly a joy to train her...she's a kind hearted, loving, friendly woman. She always comes to her session ready to push hard and continue even if she feels like crying during the WOD. Look for her because she's just getting better and better.,.....and I love being a part of her life. PLUS...she just got started on the Zone and so far so good. I have no doubt she will do everything she puts her mind to!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Here I Come Chicago Run Cert!!
I started off the weekend having a great time. Went to dinner with a friend Friday night and out with the girls and my awesome room mate last night at Seascape Resort. Heidi's a bartender there and the bar/restaurant is really nice. I got to meet some of her friends, and she met my running partner turned lawyer ,Emily, and my other girlfriend Delane. I didn't get back home until after 2am...haven't done that in a while and it felt great to be out and laugh. Woke up today having to deal with some drama and bullshit that I don't want and didn't ask for. Break ups are nasty...even if I was the one who was hurt. I cannot understand how some people have zero regard for another persons feelings. Then I realize that unless you have experienced hurt of any kind, you cannot possibly understand the magnitude of what it feels like. In my lifetime I have had enough painful experiences, and I am ready for some happy times. Seems they are on their way to me finally and I am looking forward to them! New Zone business, races to run, coaching new clients, and traveling. I will be in Chicago next weekend for the running cert and cannot wait! I'll close by saying I'm expected by certain people to move on...heal....get over it. I will morn and grieve the loss of my relationship of 3 years however I need to and for as long as it takes. You cannot speed up healing or grief to fit what others want you to do. : )
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Shari and Heidi

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Easy Carefree Days....where are they?!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wake Up Alone
Its ok in the day
I'm staying busy
Tied up enough so I don't have to wonder where is he,
Got so sick of crying,
So just lately,
When I catch myself I do a 180.
I stay up clean the house; at least I'm not drinking,
Run around just so I don't have to think about thinking,
That silence sense of content that everyone gets,
Just disappears soon as the sunsets.
He gets fierce in my dreams seizing my guts,
He floors me with dread.
Soaked to soul he swims in my eyes by the bed.
Pour myself over him,
Moon spilling in,
And I wake up alone.
Regardless my heart,
I'd rather be restless.
Second I stop the sleep catches up and I'm breathless.
This ache in my chest,
'Cause my day is done now.
The dark covers me and I cannot run now.
My blood running cold,
I stand before him.
It"s all I can do to assure him,
When he comes to me,
I drip for him tonight,
Drowning in me we bathe under blue light.
He is fierce in my dreams seizing my guts,
He floods me with dread.
Soaked to his soul, he swims in my eyes by the bed.
Pour myself over him,
Moon spilling in,
And I wake up alone.
And I wake up....alone...
I'm staying busy
Tied up enough so I don't have to wonder where is he,
Got so sick of crying,
So just lately,
When I catch myself I do a 180.
I stay up clean the house; at least I'm not drinking,
Run around just so I don't have to think about thinking,
That silence sense of content that everyone gets,
Just disappears soon as the sunsets.
He gets fierce in my dreams seizing my guts,
He floors me with dread.
Soaked to soul he swims in my eyes by the bed.
Pour myself over him,
Moon spilling in,
And I wake up alone.
Regardless my heart,
I'd rather be restless.
Second I stop the sleep catches up and I'm breathless.
This ache in my chest,
'Cause my day is done now.
The dark covers me and I cannot run now.
My blood running cold,
I stand before him.
It"s all I can do to assure him,
When he comes to me,
I drip for him tonight,
Drowning in me we bathe under blue light.
He is fierce in my dreams seizing my guts,
He floods me with dread.
Soaked to his soul, he swims in my eyes by the bed.
Pour myself over him,
Moon spilling in,
And I wake up alone.
And I wake up....alone...

Friday, September 12, 2008
No Waves Today...

This was in Hawaii....Brendan and I were going out on a date to sushi together. I got this amazing dress at Ms. Sixty was a splurge - but man did I look great in it ;) I am looking forward to meeting new men and dating sometime soon. I can't remember the last time I dated. Truth be told, its a little exciting to me, but also scary. For now I am healing my heart, spending quailty time with my completely amazing children, and reconnecting with all my friends that I lost while being in relationship. I tell you, that is the best that has come from this situation for me. My friends have all rallied around my side and I have been busy every second of every day. Last night my running partner turned lawyer came for dinner and we stayed up talking, laughing and having the best time until way past my bed time. Then I got a series of the sweetest messages from a new amazing man, which caused me to fall asleep with a smile on my face. I've been invited out for coffee dates, and running dates, and movie schedule packed. Before I always wanted to hang with B so I never asked friends it's so much fun. Plus it gets my mind of of my hurt. I'll post pics of my kiddos too.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hawaii 2008

Anyway, I will post more. I appreciate all the letters, emails, posts, calls, and love I have gotten from so many people. I mean, even New Zealand! If anybody can offer me advice and how to move on, I will open my ears because I can say that I do not have the tools for that at this moment where I am standing. Betrayal hurts a lot of people.... I am a strong victorious woman though and I will get through this. I will be a better woman because I went through this and survived and grew. It's just the "now" that hurts......
Sunday, September 07, 2008

Well.....Am I chopped liver or something ??? When betrayal happens in your life you can't help but wonder.."what's wrong with me?" The reality is that it has nothing to do with me. People make choices and decisions in their lives, unfortunately sometimes without taking into consideration how their choices will affect others. I know I am strong, healthy, kind, and thoughtful...I have much love in my heart which is why it gets hurt easily. Posting this pic is probably a little shallow....but truthfully , I could use a little ego boost! :)

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