I started off the weekend having a great time. Went to dinner with a friend Friday night and out with the girls and my awesome room mate last night at Seascape Resort. Heidi's a bartender there and the bar/restaurant is really nice. I got to meet some of her friends, and she met my running partner turned lawyer ,Emily, and my other girlfriend Delane. I didn't get back home until after 2am...haven't done that in a while and it felt great to be out and laugh. Woke up today having to deal with some drama and bullshit that I don't want and didn't ask for. Break ups are nasty...even if I was the one who was hurt. I cannot understand how some people have zero regard for another persons feelings. Then I realize that unless you have experienced hurt of any kind, you cannot possibly understand the magnitude of what it feels like. In my lifetime I have had enough painful experiences, and I am ready for some happy times. Seems they are on their way to me finally and I am looking forward to them! New Zone business, races to run, coaching new clients, and traveling. I will be in Chicago next weekend for the running cert and cannot wait! I'll close by saying I'm expected by certain people to move on...heal....get over it. I will morn and grieve the loss of my relationship of 3 years however I need to and for as long as it takes. You cannot speed up healing or grief to fit what others want you to do. : )
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Here I Come Chicago Run Cert!!
I started off the weekend having a great time. Went to dinner with a friend Friday night and out with the girls and my awesome room mate last night at Seascape Resort. Heidi's a bartender there and the bar/restaurant is really nice. I got to meet some of her friends, and she met my running partner turned lawyer ,Emily, and my other girlfriend Delane. I didn't get back home until after 2am...haven't done that in a while and it felt great to be out and laugh. Woke up today having to deal with some drama and bullshit that I don't want and didn't ask for. Break ups are nasty...even if I was the one who was hurt. I cannot understand how some people have zero regard for another persons feelings. Then I realize that unless you have experienced hurt of any kind, you cannot possibly understand the magnitude of what it feels like. In my lifetime I have had enough painful experiences, and I am ready for some happy times. Seems they are on their way to me finally and I am looking forward to them! New Zone business, races to run, coaching new clients, and traveling. I will be in Chicago next weekend for the running cert and cannot wait! I'll close by saying I'm expected by certain people to move on...heal....get over it. I will morn and grieve the loss of my relationship of 3 years however I need to and for as long as it takes. You cannot speed up healing or grief to fit what others want you to do. : )
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Sweetie, you deserve to be able to deal with all of this in your own time, your own way. And can I say that I literally gasped when I clicked on your site this morning? Why? Because you look so beautiful in this shot!
You can't heal without talking about what is bothering you. How ever long it takes, that's how long it takes. Anybody trying to silence you is going to prevent you from getting over it.
Great picture and hope you have a fun and productive trip to Chicago. I'm sure they're looking forward to being coached by such an awesome athlete.
take your time Hun and heal up your way...just don't beat yourself up to much, Brendan's loss and glad your keeping yourself busy...you sound good & love the pic & nice shoes :-)
Enjoy Chi Town!!
shari, you ever post any closeups of you arm tattoos?
you have to deal with it in your own way. good luck , be strong
Keep dealing with it however feels right. Hopefully most of the steps will be forward and soon enough it will be over.
I applaud you for your honesty.
As someone going through my own troubling times, it is easy to just see the dark side but there is always a way forward and knowing we are not alone helps.
Keep writing, keep dealing.
HOLY BEAUTIFUL GREEN EYES, BATMAN! you know, i never realized you had green eyes. they're gorgeous! btw, mending pain like that doesn't happen over night and i don't know who thinks it does. i had a relationship much like yours that lasted 3 years--3 years too long. it hurt and it sucked a$$ with all the drama following. you'll find your king, shari...doesn't mean you can't have fun on the way there!!
good luck at the cert and have a blast. i have good people in chi town. show 'em how it's done!!
I can't believe I'm posting here and the guys at IGX will no doubt have a field day with this, but here goes:
You're a beautiful girl with hundreds of fans. You will never have trouble attracting men. Focus on your business and family and take a fast from romantic relationships rather than diving into a new one.
Enjoy the blog. Enjoy the pics. Wish you the best.
Sorry to hear that you're now getting stalked by those two. I went over to their blog and read some pretty outrageous comments. Glad to see both their blogs were pulled down, probably as a result of what they were posting.
Pretty disappointed in Brendan. I don't know him personally but I've been reading both your blogs for years and had a lot of respect for both of you. I lived in the Bay Area for many years and Santa Cruz is about my favorite town in the world. So I would stop by your blogs to learn about crossfit and pay a e-visit to Santa Cruz.
Sad to see that he has turned out to be such a low class and selfish person. He had me fooled.
Glad things are getting better for you! You don't deserve to be treated like that.
I just saw this and think it's pretty funny.
That is just about the funniest shit I have seen in a long time! I especially loved what they said about me...lol! I was having a dark and near depressing day that didn't look like I was going to snap out of....until...I read this site. That just made my whole day. My feelings aren't hurt one bit because its hilarious!! Anyway, thanks for sharing. (the picture is a little cheezy..it was meant to be!)
Gloria Jean,
You are amazing for my self-esteem girl. All the nice comments on my eyes, my shoes, lashes, etc...thanks! Right back at cha too
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I am looking forward to going to Chicago. I dread flying by myself as I lost my first love of my life in a airplane crash back in 1991. This will be the first time flying solo...I am terrified, but I will be a big girl and do it anyway because I can't wait to coach people to do what I am passionate about. Running has been my life passion for many years and I can't think of a better way to spend a weekend other than mixing running with my other love, CrossFit.
I adore a man who notices my shoes. Thank you for the kudos. I am taking my time and healing MY way. Nobody can threaten me into healing any faster at their speed....or bully me into "getting over it". That is a little girl who doesn't understand adult life. Thanks again....: )
Great idea...lemme find the camera.
Aww...thank you! Where is IGX? Sounds like there's a lot of great guys there rooting for me and I appreciate that. Thank you! *hug*....
Ah gee, Shari. It's easy to find things to compliment about you. I wonder what it must feel like to be as beautiful as you are... and know what? I fly by myself all of the time; it's no big deal. Just have a little street smarts. If you're not sure that you have street smarts...fake it! Try to be invisible when you're alone but geez, how in the hell is someone that looks like you gonna fake being invisible?? Hahaha...
Stumbled upon your blog from the the non-sense on the CF Board.
Hope you continue doing well. And I'm sure its of little consolation to you, but a long time ago I got scared and called it quits on a great relationship...one of the very few things that I regret in my life. I'm sure he will feel the same way because you seem like you are a catch and a half.
Shari...I've been CF'ing on my own for a year and caught your blog from time to time (I wander all over the CF world). I'm a relative hack, but CF has been life-changing for me.
As a regular on the main site, I'm well aware of A-NYC (how can you not be?). I personally know neither of you and only became aware that you and B had split after seeing some pics of him w/her today. Based on what I've seen on your blog (and people that DO know you), you seem to be a fantastic person that WILL get through your heartache (you are already doing what it takes). You seem to be a fantastic mom, have your priorities straight, and obviously an example of what a CF woman should look like.
His being so far away can only benefit you; you are in complete control of your exposure to him.
That being said, I can't judge him...only he knows what he's thinking and everyone has their own situation. As for A-NYC, it seems her constant yearning for attention, for whatever her reasons may be, have yielded some dividends...though history shows that the odds of there being a long-term payout for her are very slim. Rest assured, he will feel everything you are feeling at some point, most assuredly when you no longer care about WHAT he feels! Keep the faith.
Sorry to ramble...much love, and God bless!!!
I was sincere and here's what I really would like you to consider: Focus on your business and family and take a fast from romantic relationships rather than diving into a new one.
- Boris
just poppin' in to see how you are doing. take your time healing, keep running, coaching, and working on that zone business! keep laughing with your friends and enjoying time with your new roomie.
you are a badass, oh and if you ever come visit that 'amazing man in seattle' call me, and ask if he has any friends. ;-) ha.
shari, so iwas disturbed that keith sent you that link. I knew about it from him, and I thought it was funny because if the doush bag part, but I wanted you not to see it because tv posts were mean to the hot chick. (you)the fact that you can laugh at that shit shoes me what a great character you have. I misunderstood what your reaction might be and underestimated your strenght. Good on ya. It is a fucking funny sight. I like everything about it and will laugh with you as far as rediculous comments concerning you- instead of feeling sorry. You rock sista!
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