It just doesn't get much better than this picture! Here I am loving being between two amazing men..Carl and BMack from CrossFit Newport. I was lucky enough to tag along for the Running Cert in Chicago this past weekend where I learned tons and got to help coach the POSE method to the attendees. This picture was taken after a lunchtime workout they put me through...dubbed "The SF Crippler"...30 backsquats at bodyweight and a 1k row for time. I absolutely loved working out with these two beasts and love the after pic even more! Brian used to call me "spider web" because of all the veins that stick out all over me...now my new nickname is "fetus"....they called me that all weekend long. Good thing I didn't mind !...we ate the best pizza downtown and had chocolate cake and apple pie for dessert...yes, cheat day was in order. Being around these two is seriously like a dream for me. Running mixed with CrossFit is absolutely heaven in my world. Getting to be around my mentors and soak up their knowledge was exactly what I needed. I am looking forward to traveling more with them, and helping Carl out with teaching the drills at the next cert. Don't know where it'll be just yet that I'm headed - but I am READY! I flew all by myself this time around and dread flying. I have come a long way this past month and am growing emotionally and am seriously the strongest I have ever been in my life. I do not need anybody to make me feel good about who I am. I am content in my skin and am probably the happiest I have been in a very long time. Conquering my fear of flying was just the tip of how I surprise myself with my strength. I even slept in all flights! Anybody who knows me knows how HUGE that is for me!! I met amazing people there in Chicago, and took tons of pictures. Life is taking me in a different path than I had planned, but it is turning out to be the right path for me. Life is good......(fetus out!)
Congrats, Shari! You are lucky, but also motivated and strong enough to achieve what you desire. I am seriously inspired. Thanks, Coach.
HOLY ABS OF STEEL, BATMAN! lookin' good, SK!
YOU ROCKED IT!!! Congratulations to you all the way around.
Gotta try that wod next week... SWEET!
Like I said before...you're totally the hottest CrossFitter on the planet! It was great to meet you Shari! Next time you're back in Chicago look me up!
Jennie - CrossFit Fire
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