Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Me & My Lilly.......

Today I went for a run on my treadmill, Lilly and felt great! This is a stupid picture and worse pose, but I was just goofing off ;)

Ran 6 miles

21-15-9 reps
box jump
bodyweight + deadlifts (I used 115 pounds) but I weigh 105
ring dipps

I didn't time myself and should have, but I hate working out alone!! Tomorrow will be better...... Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 26, 2007

My man and cutest baby ever!!

Brendan loves it when he gets to hang out with Dylan while mom works out. She looks adorable in his hat and he's a natural with her :)

Monday CrossFit workout :

21 - 15 - 9
Overhead squats 50 pounds
42 - 30 - 18
pull ups

perform 21 OHS and 42 PU back to back no rest and so on until completed. My time was 9:18......and I broke the pull ups into smaller sets. All the OHS were unbroken. Hard workout.....maybe I should have gone heavier though - next time I'll try the 65 pound perscribed. Watch CrossFit's main page for the video of the 9am class doing this workout.....

Hope you all are running and staying fit! Enjoy the rainy weather and snuggle with your sweetheart ! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 18, 2007

SF gets attacked!!

WTF are these things anyway ? Art ? Sculptures that are HUGE and near the Bay Bridge on the Embarcadero that sorta look scary if you ask me. I tried to show my son these pictures and he covered his eyes and said to change the picture they look scary!! I agree Brandon.... Posted by Picasa

Crissy Field

This is Erik, Jen, me and Brendan in Crissy Field - across the street from SF CrossFit where Brendan trains them every Sunday....What a beautiful view and a perfect day in the city!!! Posted by Picasa

Beautiful day in San Francisco!!

Today Brendan and I went to San Francisco to train his clients, Jen & Erik at XFit SF. What a beautiful warm day it was! I love the city...always something new to see and do.....Jen & Erik always take us to some new interesting restaurant after the workout. Today they took us to have Dim Sum and it was super tasty....vegetable & meat filled dumplings that they bring to you on a cart and you choose which ones you want. We liked it all. Next time I think they said we are going for Korean food. Yummy!!

Brendan is such an amazing trainer and I always enjoy tagging along and helping out with his clients whenever he lets me :)

Hope you all had a awesome weekend also!! Tomorrow back to the Zone and hitting it hard at CrossFit!!
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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cracking skulls!!!

My son Brandon climbed up these rocks and had Brendan follow him up....they were having fun playing around up there...... Posted by Picasa

Beautiful Beach Weather!!!

Today after I picked up Brandon from school we went for a walk on the beach by our house - it was low tide and we like to go down on the beach at low tide to see what creatures we can see. Brandon took this pic of me and B - not bad. We climbed up rocks, gather sea shells and just had fun hanging out with eachother.

I LOVE LIVING BY THE BEACH!!! I Have no idea how i survived living in Scotts Valley for as long as I did. The ocean is so healing and calming - I get to walk out my front door - pass 4 houses and i look straight at the beach you see in the picture. I run along the cliffs evert time I run the whole time beach to the left of me there - beach to the right of me coming home. Yes, I know I am LUCKY......blessed is a better word! Posted by Picasa

Happy Valentines Day!!!

This is my favorite baby - Dylan surrounded by all the Valentine cookie treats I baked the night before. Look at the little flower in her hair!!!

15 handstand pushups
1 L pull up
3 L pull up
5 L pull up
7 L pull up
9 L pull up
11 L pull up
13 L pull up
5 L pull up

After this I was D-O-N-E done!!

Run 8 miles outside feeling great!!! :) Posted by Picasa

Like my skulls ?

Brendan bought me this tube top/cardigan combo from the Bubble Lounge for my birthday. He has such great taste - and expensive!! I LOVE it....its a warm sweater set and I can see me wearing it a lot in the winter.

CrossFit Workout:

5 thrusters (70 pounds)
5 pullups
9 rounds for time

TIME: 7:50 - felt heavy for me and I gave it all I had for that day. I will revisit this workout in a few weeks and do it at 75 or more pounds and faster!!

Run 4 miles slow pace

"Tabata This"
pull up
push up
sit up
perform each exercise for 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest 8 rounds before moving onto the next exercise on the list. No rest between different exercises..... Posted by Picasa

Weekend Crazies.....

Time to update my entries!! Last weekend was my time with the kids and we had a great time! Friday night we went to see Norbit at the theatres and it was just ok - we went to dinner first and just had fun together. Saturday I went running in the rain and I smiled the entire way! My knee/back/hip/body felt fantastic - no pain! I ran for 8 miles at 7:22 minute mile pace and only stopped to tie a shoelace. When I got home and knocked on the door I was soked to the bone and shivering - but that smile remained. I felt like the old me when I was running - I miss that woman who used to run fast with no pain. Saturday i got to be her again and I was THANKFUL!!!

Took the kids to another movie Saturday since it was raining - we went to see Epic Movie - STUPID! Some parts were funny, but otherwise it sucked. Then we went to sushi afterwards and I got Sarah and her best friend Mia hooked on Yam Central sushi rolls at Aqua Blue. We went to Toys R Us after and bought a super fun game - Mad Gab- and played until 11:30 laughing the entire time!! I really enjoyed hanging out with my kids and Mia Saturday evening and was stoked that they actually like to hang out with me as well. Sunday I went for another awesome run - 8 miles - no pain.....smiling the whole way!! Just as it should be!!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 09, 2007

Team CrossFit workout...

Today was a team workout and I was teamed up with Cill. It so happened that we both sported our pink CrossFit tanks today. No we didn't call each other :) Here's the workout...

15 - 12 - 9 reps of each

row for calories
medicine ball cleans 20 pounds
kettle bell swings 35 lbs.
push press 25 pound dumbells
pull ups

Each team mate finished their exercise before the other team mate went until each person completed each exercise listed.
Cill and I finished 2nd place and with little to no rest between exercises. Cill is an amazing CrossFit trainer and strong! She makes pullups look so graceful with those long legs of hers. Great Friday workout, and I am feeling better. Thanks Wellness Formula!! My baby is much better also and made it to work today - his clients are stoked to have him back.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Beautiful Jellies....

This was taken at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Love the jellies!! Time to catch up with my workouts....

Ran 6 miles on treadmill at moderate pace.

25 wall ball 14 pounds
100 ft. walking lunges
3 rope climbs
4 rounds
Time - 15:32
Okay, that time was SLOW...but I am catching Brendan's flu bug that he has had. I did this workout with a major headache and sort of sick to my stomach. It's amazing I did it at all.

Wednesday :
Ran 6 miles with my track coach. We did Granite Creek in Scotts Valley - all up hill. It felt great! The roads were wet, just how I like it. I miss running with Gretchen.....glad we got to push each other and have girlfriend time while running.

CrossFit -
"Jackie" (is a biotch)
1,000 meter row
50 thrusters 33 pounds womens weight
30 pull ups

My watch got messed up after the row (I must have pushed a button on accident)
so i wasn't timed - but again, not 100 % so am glad i did it at all. Afterwards I did 5 sets of 5 ring dipps and weighted sit ups. 33 pound bar behind my head and I sit up. Those always feel great!!!

Okay - who knows what tomorrow will have in store for me. I have been overdosing on Wellness Formula, and spraying Lysol all over the house and all over Brendan so I don't get the full on flu like he has. He's been out of work for 2 days and slowly getting better.
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Tuesday, February 06, 2007


"See...just do this..." Posted by Picasa

CrossFit San Francisco......

Kelly at CrossFit San Fran has a nice little set up there. The Golden Gate Bridge is right across the street at Crissy Field and he send his clients there to run and warm up. Sometimes they bring the equipment there and work out under the bridge. SO COOL!!! Check them out if you ever get a chance. Posted by Picasa

Playing around at CrossFit San Francisco

Sunday Brendan and I went to CrossFit San Francisco to train his clients and LOVED the box they have there! It's so raw and punk rock - no frills, just out in the back parking lot with a roll up storage unit housing the equipment. They had Bakar ladders, rowers, all the O-Lifting stuff you need and this incredible monkey bar! I had fun getting across it and trying to skip rungs without falling. Brendan incorperated it into the workout and had Jen & Erik bunny hop on the bars grabbing each rung until the end - then turn around and swing back. Nice warmup. B made it look so friggin easy but when others tried we failed miserably! Oh well - another thing to work on.

Monday workout :
heavy back squats
warm up with 45 pound bar, 10 reps then:
at 130 pounds

No running. Was going to go to track, but was too exhausted after being up at 4:30am. I wanted to be fresh for todays workout (Tues) - who knows what B will throw at me so I better be ready. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 02, 2007

Playing around

Brandon and Kana playing around at the aquarium...... Posted by Picasa

Fish lips...

This fish was huge and had big fishy lips that I wanted to kiss.....LOL Posted by Picasa

Stuck in a clam shell....

Brandon and I goofing off at the aquarium... We are so cute, aren't we ? Posted by Picasa

Goofy Smiles!!

We look a lot alike - even when we are making goofy smiles :) Oh - and we both LOVE skulls....can you tell ? Posted by Picasa

Monterey Bay Aquarium field trip

Today I chaperoned on a field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium with Brandon's 4th grade class. We had a great time together....I drove Brandon and one of his classmates, Kana, and met up with the rest of the class there. Brandon especially loves Penguines - always has. I think it started way back when he was 4 or 5 and we went on a family trip to Florida for Thanksgiving. His grandmother, Sweet Mamma, took the grandkids to Build a Bear and Brandon picked out a penguin to build/make for himself. He named the stuffed animal Penguin and he still has him and loves him. He's seen every movie that has to do with penguines, and loves watching them today at the aquarium.  Posted by Picasa

Play Time with baby

This is Dylan and I having our play time Thursday at CrossFit. She always has these great bear outfits on that make her so warm and cuddely. I was teaching her "How big is Dylan.....?...sooooo big!" A fun game that I used to play with Sarah and Brandon and they loved it. Dylan was smiling so i guess she liked it too :) I have to say that this child brings so much joy into my life. I could hang out with her all day long and be totally happy about it. I miss having a little one to snuggle with - my kids have gotten so grown up overnight it seems. I don't think they would want to play this game with me anymore, even if i begged them :) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Working on Strength....

I'm back to training with Brendan and working on getting stronger. I have lost some strength it seems, and some weight as well. I've increased my fat blocks a little and added 1 more meal block - now I am a 11 blocker instead of the 10 blocks I was eating.

CrossFit total

Back Squat 5-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-(reps)
weight 45-65-95-115-125-135-145-145 (i only weight 104)
Shoulder Press 5-3-2-2-1-1-1-1- (reps)
weight 45-50-55-60-65-70-70 (PR was 53 before)
Deadlift 5-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-(reps)
weight 95-115-135-155-160-165 (185 was my 1 rep max)

TOTAL: 380 (add max weight of all 3 exercises)

Run 7 miles on treadmill

clean @ 55 pounds
ring dipps (moved to bar dipps)

Time: 10:19
In December i did this workout with 53 pounds and my time was 10:49 so i did it heavier and faster this time around....I still want to go heavier and faster yet.....


5-5-5-5-5 reps 85% 1 rep max deadlifts @ 145 pounds
Max pullups - 22 (went way down from 26)
max pushups - 33

4x440 meter sprints with client in am
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