I'm back to training with Brendan and working on getting stronger. I have lost some strength it seems, and some weight as well. I've increased my fat blocks a little and added 1 more meal block - now I am a 11 blocker instead of the 10 blocks I was eating.
CrossFit total
Back Squat 5-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-(reps)
weight 45-65-95-115-125-135-145-145 (i only weight 104)
Shoulder Press 5-3-2-2-1-1-1-1- (reps)
weight 45-50-55-60-65-70-70 (PR was 53 before)
Deadlift 5-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-(reps)
weight 95-115-135-155-160-165 (185 was my 1 rep max)
TOTAL: 380 (add max weight of all 3 exercises)
Run 7 miles on treadmill
clean @ 55 pounds
ring dipps (moved to bar dipps)
Time: 10:19
In December i did this workout with 53 pounds and my time was 10:49 so i did it heavier and faster this time around....I still want to go heavier and faster yet.....
5-5-5-5-5 reps 85% 1 rep max deadlifts @ 145 pounds
Max pullups - 22 (went way down from 26)
max pushups - 33
4x440 meter sprints with client in am