This was taken at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Love the jellies!! Time to catch up with my workouts....
Ran 6 miles on treadmill at moderate pace.
25 wall ball 14 pounds
100 ft. walking lunges
3 rope climbs
4 rounds
Time - 15:32
Okay, that time was SLOW...but I am catching Brendan's flu bug that he has had. I did this workout with a major headache and sort of sick to my stomach. It's amazing I did it at all.
Wednesday :
Ran 6 miles with my track coach. We did Granite Creek in Scotts Valley - all up hill. It felt great! The roads were wet, just how I like it. I miss running with Gretchen.....glad we got to push each other and have girlfriend time while running.
CrossFit -
"Jackie" (is a biotch)
1,000 meter row
50 thrusters 33 pounds womens weight
30 pull ups
My watch got messed up after the row (I must have pushed a button on accident)
so i wasn't timed - but again, not 100 % so am glad i did it at all. Afterwards I did 5 sets of 5 ring dipps and weighted sit ups. 33 pound bar behind my head and I sit up. Those always feel great!!!
Okay - who knows what tomorrow will have in store for me. I have been overdosing on Wellness Formula, and spraying Lysol all over the house and all over Brendan so I don't get the full on flu like he has. He's been out of work for 2 days and slowly getting better.
Does that Wellness Formula stuff actually work? I've been feeling pretty sick as well, maybe I should pick some up.
YES - it does work. Brendan was super sick and i didn't get it because i was taking that stuff. U should pick some up.
Will Rite Aid have it or is it something I have to get at a GNC or health store type place?
By the way - I'm looking at the weekend of February 23rd for the 100 rep challenge. Either Friday or Saturday morning, preferably. I could do Sunday if necessary, but I'm going to have to drive back to Davis Sunday night, and I'd like to have a day to recover if at all possible. But if Sunday is the best for you guys, I can hang. Let me know.
Hey Jacob,
You have to get it at a healthfood store maybe GNC, but i got mine at New Leaf. Give me a messahe at my e mail and we can figure out when to cheer you on for thre challenge! WOO HOO!!
I have that exact same pictures of the jellies, so cool.
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