Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dinner with Mads and Friends

Last week we all went to dinner with Mads, his wife Jeni their son Rasmus, Annie, Jake and Dylan (my favorite baby in the whole world). It was a fun night! Mads and Jen came all the way from sweden to train with Annie and Brendan. Some people vacation to see places - CrossFitters vacation to see other CrossFit boxes and train with HQ trainers. I think that's incredible! Bacl to eating good - training hard - and starting this year off right.

Brendan the kids and I are moving into a gorgeous 4 bedroom 3 bath home by the beach and the house is perfect for us in every way! It has just what we all wanted - more space to be together and entertain. Brendan and I prayed together for on eof the first times regarding getting the house - God answered our prayers. I see so much amazing things taking place in my man - he's changing - softening - becoming such an amazing man in every way. He already was perfect to me, but now he'showing a more soft side and communication between us has been our new thing to perfect in our relationship. I just know this new year is going to bring so many great things for every way imaginable!!!

6am workout :

Tabata treadmill intervals...
10% incline 8.3 mph speed 20 second of work, 10 second of rest - 8 rounds.
Rest 2 minutes repeat intervals at faster pace - 8.5
Rest 2 minutes repeat intervals at faster pace - 9.0

Cool down run at slow pace - for 2 miles. Total milege :6 Miles

Read the January CrossFit Journal and look up Brian Mackenzie for endurance training. I am giving his program a try and see how much better I get. I am going to the Newport Endurance cert next weekend to learn directly from the man. Let me tell you - 20 seconds of running at this pace and Tabata style leftme wanting to plop on the floor when I was done. I do believe he is on to something regarding intensity for endurance training!! I am in LOVE with tabata treadmill and can't wait to see what I can improve in my distance running!!!

1pm - Heavy backsquats with Coach Brendan. I'll post what I did and my meals for the day later....Take care!!!
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Bob - said...

Shari, Hey the food pic post below...I am on a mission this year to get lean and mean. I am training for two 100 milers this year and don't need any extra weight on those little treks --lol

Keep kicking butt, you look great!

mrsmommyb said...

neat how something like crossfit can bring people together, eh? really cute pic. i didn't realize dylan was so big! can't wait to make a trip out there for a WOD someday. =]

jeffrey said...

Shari, love your workouts and your drive, Where do you get your workout gear, The hot girls do crossfit T shirt is way cool, my wife has problem with regular pants because she has muscular thighs, any suggestions?