Brian MacKenzie, Mike Collins me and Carl.....all from Genetic Potential and Orange County Multi Sport. Wish me luck as I give my training to Brian and develop correct running form. Boston - here I come!!! Thanks guys for getting me back out on the road that I love so much.....it's like I was born again or something - silly I know - but it sure feels like I was asleep for a year and just came out of that.....
Hi shari,
As a runner just getting into crossfit (yes...I'm in Kansas... it takes a while for things to reach us out here) I am curious to know what these guys had to say about diet - I'm wondering if I am getting enough carbs on the zone.
I'm feeling weak in my speed sessions. Could it be that my system is confused because the zone diet is so new?
PS - You look so happy in this photo! That is really nice to see.
Is that the POSE Method of running, or CHI? I've heard of the POSE method, but not a lot about CHI running.
You gotta teach me some stuff cuz'n! :) Can't wait!
glad to hear you;re on the Zone. Its hard for me to answer that question fr you without knowing how hard you're training and how your training, how many blocks you are taking in each day, etc. But if you are feeling tired that usually subsides after the first month - then I always add extra fat to hel with the high demands of running AND crossfit. Folloow your Zone prescription per thebook for at least the first2 weeks - no cheating- until your body regulates. Thanks for stopping by....
sorry so long getting to you - that's the POSE method. and I LOVE it!!! Give it a read...take care girl :)
I'll show you all I know! I miss you :)
thanks again for the snack advice,,,did great on the trip down south not so good on the way back but anyways,
my husband and I were wondering were we can order the crossfit t-shirts that Brendan designed. He couldn't find them online anywhere.
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