My question today to you is ....do you believe in Karma ? Or what about what goes around comes around ? Or more like what Jesus taught ...do unto others as you'd have done to you ? I never used to believe in Karma - I thought if you were a nice person with a good loving heart that's all that mattered. But I am starting to think that if you put negative things out into the universe - somehow they find their way back to you. Maybe in order to teach you the lesson of what it felt like when you did it, or said it to another human being. WOW...that was a little deep, I know. I am learning. Learning lessons that my eyes used to be completely closed to a few years ago. I define myself as a nice person, with a loving heart. If you are sad I want to help. I am always there for my friends to listen to or help any way I possibly can. I've been know to open my wallet, my house everything I own to somebody in need. But I haven't always been the nicest warmest human I should be or can be to those closest to me. Make sense ? I have heard that you are always harder on those you love.....I guess this rang true in my life. The past 2 years I have been working hard on correcting that - and at the same time grow as a person by learning from my mistakes. My fault is that in my learning and growing I tend to shut down and close off. I don't know any other way. This is the number one personality trait that I absolutley loathe in myself. The prison I lock myself in when I feel faced with the pain that I once dished out. This is a little personal, but hey - maybe this will touch somebody out there who is feeling the same way. I know God is refining me. Being refined in fire - BURNS. It hurts, stings, and is uncomfortable. I have studied the Bible enough years to know when it is happening to me - even when like I said the other day - we ignore what's happening and look the other way. God's the potter and I am the clay. He's molding me shaping me - stretching me. It's painful and I have never cried so much in my entire life as I have the past 2 years. I hold on to the knowlesge that HE knows what he's doing - I have to be strong and open up to the lessons - the stretching. Breathe - shari - Breathe....... Oh...I thinnk I should say that everything is fine in my relationship with Brendan. We are together, in love just like always. I'm just thinking about me and learning is all. It's good to take personal inventory every year and learn from mistakes.
CrossFit Workout :
Max deadlifts
I PR'd today with a max lift of 185.....not too bad for a little 105 pounder. I really wanted 190. I tried it 2 times and barely moved it off the ground - just couldn't get it past the sticky spot. Dammit! I wanted that lift! Brendan had me do 4 sets of 3 lift at 90% of my max to gain strength. He says the next time I go for a max effort I'll get that 190! I trust him.
1/2 "Cindy"
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
How many rounds in 10 minutes ?
I got 10.5
Hey Shari,
John here in Fay NC.... I know this might sound odd and I'll possibly take heat from some readers, but oh well.
Check out a pastor that is both on tv (careful folks - not all are quacks) and pastors a church in Atlanta and NYNY. His name is Creflo Dollar and he has a series of teachings that he is doing on emotions and everything you just spoke about. Phenomenal teachings - painfully on target and sucks.... but phenomenal.
Hope that helps.
stumbled upon this site via Catra's blog. I am also an avid ultrarunner, but in Atlanta, GA.
Your family is cute and reminds me much of mine. I play XBOX 360 with my stepson, we ride bikes and generally have a pretty cool little gig goin' on.... none of that stepdad/kid struggle stuff.
I read through the whole home page of posts - interesting stuff - you guys are obviously big into Crossfit.
Crossfit has not really caught on in Atlanta, GA where I live, but there is a group of us that tear through some workouts that are very similar - I think the concept of putting the fun back in resistance training, focusing on more body movement techniques, and constantly switchin' it up are key towards better results.
Well, happy new year and much success to you, Brendon and Brandon in 2008.
{see, I learned some names today}
Your post spoke to me... it was good, thanks :)
Hey Run50,
check this out http://www.crossfitatlanta.typepad.com/crossfit_atlanta/
Crossfit is in atlanta!
Thanks for the responce. I'll check him out. Take care :)
Check out www.crossfit.com and scroll down the right side for affiliates in your area. Crossfit has caught on everywhere - there's one in Atlanta also. Glad to hear you're starting. Thanks for stopping by too :)
:) I'm glad to posted then. If what I have to ramble about touches just one person then it mattered. Take care and thanks for the drop by ...
Shari, I know what you're talking about. I also have a way of pulling up those walls and shutting out the people who love me. It's like I'm protecting myself from heartache, and protecting them from feeling my pain. It's hard to explain, but I understand.
God is constantly with you and dropping hints about how to live your life. Sometimes it's easier to catch the hint than other times, but we just have to keep the hearts open to him. Don't be afraid to just say, "Help me, God. I need you." He'll be there!
On a blog note, yes I'm going to see Spirit of the Marathon and have my ticket! I'm going with some friends from our running club and I cannot wait to see it.
It would be cool to live closer because we could train together and you could help me get my butt in CrossFit shape! A friend of mine just got his level one cert. He's a firefighter in San Jose. He told my hubby to tell me to sign up for the games next summer and I laughed my ass off. Hahahaha, um first I have to be able to do the exercises without any help. hellooo!
Anyway, keep up the good work (both with CF and with God). :)
discovered the link to your blog from Glory Bell's blog. You are one sexy lady. Brendan is a lucky guy.
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