I read this today in the book my running friend Gretchen gave to me. It's called "Come Away My Beloved" - a devotional. It makes me feel good to think that i am being swept along a course that is already planned out for me. All I have to do is to step out and trust. Sometimes that is the hardest thing to do! I have put my life into being a wife and stay home mother for 13 years - i home schooled both children til the 6th and 3rd grade. When I got divorced it was scary for me to think about who I am aside from those roles. Wife I knew how to do....teacher, I knew that one super well...mom, I LOVE being a mom. Finding out who Shari is has been the greatest struggle for me to figure out. I know a lot about myself, but now what I want to do in life. Sometimes I feel like i am treading water in life...not knowing how to swim forward for fear I could drown in the unknown. All I have to do is take the first step..it's okay for me not to know what's going to happen. I am learning it can be fun. Thanks Gretchen for a great book !!!

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