This is me and Brendan's sister Meadow downtown last night for the SuperBooty concert. I just love Meadow - she is fun and energetic...we just get along so well. Everytime i see her it's like we've been best girlfriends forever.....and when she showed up rocking the Aptos High cheerleader outfit I loved her even more!!! Sorry you got so drunk and puked in the bushes at mom's ....whoops!!
You girls look cute. A ST cheerleader would have been better. ha-ha
No kidding....but I wasn't into cheer then - i was into getting high and screwing off with all of you people!!! hee hee
I guess I was nothing more then a bad influence on your life. ha-ha
You said it. Remember the Psychic Fairs ?? What a trip...we had a lot of great times back then, huh ?
Ya we did. Is it hard to believe we survived some of them. ha-ha We were some misinformed and misguided youth.
We were the "Youth Gone Wild"
Youth Gone Wild...hee hee...guess where I'm going tomorrow night ??? AEROSMITH AND MOTLEY CRUE 200 seats baby!!! WOO HOO!! I'll take pics for ya to enjoy while you're sitting at home wishing you were there....;) love ya!!! muah
Hey now, that is not very nice. As a matter of fact I may not be in the expensive, high roller, seats, but I will be there none the less. Sure I have lawn seats, but I was not about to spend 200 to see Crue for 90 minutes. I saw them in Oakland on the last tour, it was only 85 and the seats we GOOD!! I just hope are not getting rained on tomorrow night. That would not be RED HOT ha-ha. Expect a call, bring your phone.
Yea!!! You're going too Brian!!! I WILL bring my cell - let's definitely hook up okay ? Is your wifie going ? Can't wait to see CRUE!!!! See you tonight bro
Ya, this is the 3rd time she has seen Crue, I am a bad influence on her now. haha. See You Tonight
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