There's more to life....
than running and competing. I was starting to feel a little envious of people who can put alot of time and energy into competing in long races and training and traveling to awesome locations for racing. Then I remembered something my friend Gretchen told me on one of our runs. She told me about herself in college, and how she was one of the best in track and field, except for one rival that she always wanted to beat. (Now I may get some of the story incorrect, but the basic message will be right.) Anyway, Gretchen had a decisioon to make - should i continue in my training and pursue being the best ? Or do I stop and go after what matters more in life ? Well - she decided to get married and raise a family. Her rival decided to continue on....years later after Gretchen's kids were a little older she started running again..not as fast and as hard as before, but she ran because she LOVED it.. at one of the races she saw her rival there. Gretchen was feeling slow and maybe a little less than...but her rival told her how she envied Gretchen because she had kids and she never took the time to have them and she was too old for that now.
Like what happens to people when they put their lives in such a selfish state when the glory is allover ? What if they break a leg ? What will they have when they get old and can't run anymore ? I have my children!!! They are my legacy and way more important than any race or selfish ambition I could EVER have. I am in love with life and being with those who matter to me...I am not envious anymore. Because I know in their heart of hearts they wish they took the time away from themselves to have their own children....thanks Gretchen and Robin for diving me perspective . I love you guys!!! Now....let's go for a run!!!
Hey Shari-
Randy & I will just be friends.
He needs to focus on the kids, and himself.
I have so much going on in my life with my running and trying to inspire others to live life and have fun.
I love to travel I have no kids so I can do all I want to do. I tend to lose focus when I'm in a relationship. I think friendships are better for me.
I have big plans next year with Julian from France. We are going for the speed record on the Pacific Crest trail 2,700 miles.
I will be gone spending three months on the trail with a guy.
I can't expect any guy to understand being gone for so long with another guy.
I agree running shouldn't be your life. I always said once it's not fun anymore I'll quit.
If I got injured tomorrow and could never run again. I would be ok with it.
It's always good to have balance.
BTW you and your BF make a very cute couple.
Happy Halloween.
sweet blog woman! love E
Wow...I know you make your own choices in life and i commend you on your accomplishments.....but it sounds very lonely to me. Randy and you made a great fit and you are missing out on a lot.He is an amazing man. I know running and winning can be very rewarding, but....the best things in life are relationships. I wish you knew that Catra. I wish you luck next year in your travels...too bad you will be without an amazing man who both supported you and loved you.
Hi Eva!! I love you...where have you been girl ? Thanks for the comment.....see you tomorrow at Crossfit will I ???
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