Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Reason...

My children are amazing!! This past year has been a year of complete change in their little worlds. They have adjusted well and have handled all the new things with grace. My son is growing into a little man, and my daughter a young woman. I love them with everything that I am and pray all the time that they don't hate me for all I have put them through. Maybe one day they will understand....I look forward to spending time with them, and to doing new things with them. I can't wait for it to snow so we can learn to snowboard together - and get bruised together ;) I love you guys!!!  Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Childrens...really!!!!

Shari Baby said...

Thanks Jullian. They are amazing kids. I saw you post on Kastles blog...he is their dad. Yes, we are all connected somehow aren't we ? Have a great day...Thanks for stopping by...

Anonymous said...

ok i had guessed.... randy is his father!!!!
do you pratice trail running?
you are beautiful tattoos
i love tattoos
today i finish a little bit my arms
sorry for my bad english....

Shari Baby said...

Yes i started trail running at the advice of my chiropractor and doctor after throwing my sacrum out from running too fast on road. So..I started incorperating trails into my running and I love it too...just can't do the speed....6 minute miles are tough when you are climbing!!! :)

Anonymous said...

The important thing in the trail running it's that you give yourself pleasure when you run!!!
It doesn't matter that you run quickly or not quickly… the life is too short to make tedious things you don't agree;)

Shari Baby said...

Thanks Jullian...you're right. I do enjoy running trails...but then again, I enjoy running anywhere. I REALLY enjoy running distance for speed though. Tomorrow I am running with a client of Brendan's, so i will do my speed workout beforehand. Thanks for stopping by. Keep running!!!

Shari Baby said...

Thanks Jullian...you're right. I do enjoy running trails...but then again, I enjoy running anywhere. I REALLY enjoy running distance for speed though. Tomorrow I am running with a client of Brendan's, so i will do my speed workout beforehand. Thanks for stopping by. Keep running!!!