Afterwards he had a workout he wanted me to do and I did it half ass and ended up with a spiking fever, nausea, dizziness and crying. Yup - I'm sick alright :(
Ran 6 miles on treadmill 7:45 pace
45 minutes of muscle up practice/ got the form basically down
10 minutes of 10 pullups & 10 deep ring dipps (jumping)
Went home sick and took a nap.....hopefully I'll be better for my birthday!!

Lots of sleep and TLC! You'll get those muscle ups and when you do, you and Brendan can teach me!
Get well!
nice job cuz, you look great! i'll never be able to do one of those! . . . or a real pull-up!
You look so determined!
Shari, I hope you get well for your B-day.
Happy b-day.
Love the new SUV. It's a great feeling having a brand new vehicle.
Way to gut it out, Shari! Feel better soon. And have a GREAT birthday in SF with the family.
I feel ya on the MU's! We can do it! I'm finding that its a body awareness issues for me. Where I am in space and when to apply force with the momentum. I can't get that roll with my chest, that brings your head forward for the last push. I get passed the transition and wham I'm stuck!
YUP!! I did get a few jumping muscle ups which is better than I have been able to do before...AND I was able to push myself up from a deep dip position which I was told is good work...:)
never say never!!! I thought that and now I have 28 pull ups!!! PLUS I did some muscle ups (jumping) and I thought I could never do that either!!! Just keep trying! I'll train you when you come down for a visit and I'll teach you the kiping pull up okay ?
No kidding! I haven't had a new car since i was 18....the car I was driving Randy and I bought when I was ready to have Barndon - 10 years ago!!! It was time....and I LOVE it! Love your new car too sistah! I did get well, thanks....I just dealt with it :) Isn't that what we do ? Press on...
Thanks for the bday wishes girl....I had a fantastic day :)
I know what you mean. That's where I would get stuck....I managed to push out a few with good form now i know what it's supposed to feel like. Next time I will try it without the jump. I have been told that I am strong enough, I just need the technique down. You need to have at least 20 pullups and 15 deel ring dipps (at least that's what I have been told) and I have those so there's no reason why I can't do the damn thing. YOU TOO keep trying!!!
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