Ran 5.5 miles easy pace
CrossFit Workout: "Filthy Fifty"
50 box jumps
50 jumping pullups
50 kb swings
50 walking lunges
50 knees 2 elbows
50 push press 33 pounds
50 back extensions
50 wall ball 14 pounds
50 burpees
50 double unders
Run 6 miles 7:35 pace
CrossFit workout :
500 meter row
21 overhead squats 65 pounds
21 pullups
x3 rounds
no running
CrossFit workout:
800 meter run
50 double unders
50 ball slams 20 pound ball
50 oh walking lunges
50 glute ham sit ups
50 push ups
50 sdhp 16 pood kettlebell
800 meter run
(sort of a repeat of Monday's workout - but I worked out with the 9am class and this is what Annie was dishing out. Fine with me - met con is always good :) Okay, I'm caught up finally!!! Have a great day all.....

Wow, you are truly an inspirational person. I like that you share your workouts. Even though I could never do that. I hate having to walk to the mailbox to even get my mail. I'm tired thinking about it, lol. You are very pretty too.
Shari, you're a stud!
Glad your knee is better! Will you be running Boston this Spring? You know your qualifying times are good for 2 years, so if you pass this year you can always go in '08.
Great work out today! And you are looking fabulous...as always! Keep up the good work. I'll get into that Crossfit stuff someday. lol =)
dooce fan,
Thanks for the stop by and the sweet words. Never say never!! If you want to badly enough, you can make it happen. Keep cheking out my blog and give the workouts a try....take care
I really want to run Boston - in fact it will be quite depressing if I can't. I m slowly working up my miles and maybe if my docs say okay I will compete. Otherwise I'll have to wait until next year :(......you're a stud too girl!!!
Thanks, you're so sweet! I can't believe you haven't started Xfit yet....check out www.crossfit.com I just know yu will be hooked and it will DEFINITELY make you a way stronger runner....:)
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