Today's workout :
Ran outside for 6 miles....no CrossFit.
Time off was definitely needed! Every part of me was sore today!! My knee held up okay. I am beginning to believe that my injury is just a tight IT band. I narrowed the pain to be coming from behind the right knee and when i roll out my IT band it feels much better. THANK GOD!! I rolled it out after my run, iced it and tok some Ibuprofen. It still feels good.
Have a great night! Brendan and I are going to have a glass of Silver Oak wine - I can't wait, it's my favorite!! B's too! One of his clients got it for him as a "thank you for kicking my butt" gift. We haven't had wine in a long time.....tonight I am stepping out of the Zone and having pizza and wine. I can't wait!! It's good for you to indulge every once in a while - that's why the cheat day is there. I haven't been running too much, and was concerned that i would gain weight - but instead I have been dropping weight. Today I weighed myself and i was 102.5 pounds...2 pounds lighter than I was a few days ago, and I don't like being under 106. Weird - if I eat strict Zone I start to drop weight quick, then I need to eat a little treat and by doing that my body responds great. Don't know why - but it works for me. Brendan said i look better than ever....that's why I love him!! So after weighing myself this morning I knew I could have that treat and had a scone. YUMMY! Tonight I get more treats and it's a full on cheat day!! Tomorrow back to business....

Hi Shari! How are you? Speaking of wine, we still gotta sit and chat over a glass or two. Let me know when you and Brendan have some time and we'll hang out. I'm looking forward to it! Tell Bendan I said hi! See you both soon!
Miss you man...how are you? Doing better I hope and LISTENING TO WHAT I SAID!! I love ya and can't we can't wqaitg to sit and have that wine with you....me and B had a glass tonight and it was delicious! I miss wine!! :)
Hey girl, Silver Oak is a pricy wine and yummy too. That person must've really gotten a great workout ;) You enjoy that cheat day, you deserve it.
Enjoy your cheat day! You deserve it after all of the hard work you put in! Have some yummy treats for me.
Where have you been Shari. I miss seeing your blog everyday.
Hey there - I'v been here - where have YOU been is a better question!! thanks for the stop by. How are you ?
Yup - it's pricey....and YES they did get a great workout. You ALWAYS get great workouts at CrossFit....but I guess you don't know that yet cause you haven't been there yet....hee hee sorry I had to throw it in there! Soon you'll be with the "in" crowd at CF. :)
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