row 1,000 meters
rest 2 minutes
50 thrusters (45# 1st round, 35# last 2 rounds)
rest 2 minutes
30 pullups
rest 2 minutes
*times 3 rounds*
Man it was an ass kicker and super hard when I am using mainly my left leg since my right hurts. Thanks to Jacob who helped me get through the last round of thrusters when I was obviously done....and all the other times he screamed at me ;) I managed to scream back at him and helped him get the bitch done. Maybe tomorrow I'll get to train with B - I hope so- it's my ultimate favorite thing to do :) Oh - Annie jumped in and tortured herself with the workout as well.....she kicked ass like usual.

The guy in that picture is fucking ugly. Holy crap, I'm amazed your camera didn't break.
Shut the hell up...I thin you look great. Plus you gave amazing effort today and I am proud of you. Way to push bro...
Happy New Year to you and yours!!!!!
Remember - take it easy on the leg and hip!!! The more you tweak it, the longer the rehab! Yeah I know it sucks to hear, but that's what you'd be telling a client (right??) 8-)
I know it's hard as an athlete - plus we always aplaude the "working through it" mentality, but....
Anyhoo, enough of that, have a great 2007!
Okay, okay, I'm sexy as hell. That is what Chloe told me to write. Thanks for the workout today Shari, you killed it...but take it easy on that leg, we don't want you sidelined!
Just wanted you to know that I did work out today, so you don't think I am a pussy. I went on the rower and held a 1:57/500m pace for just over 23 minutes, for 404 calories of work. It was good to see you today, Shari. Good luck with your non-functioning leg.
Rest that Leg & hip Shari so u can crank out more fast race events for 07' U speed Momma!!!
crossfit cape fear,
You're right....I have been laying off like you wouldn't believe. It's SO hard for me to not run every day....to slow my workouts down and to hold back. BUT - I know that if I don't I will end up out longer and the thought of that terrifies me...thanks for caring. I will listen to your advice as well as those around me who told me the same thing :) Thanks again
I don't think you're a pussy. You don't even look like one - LOL! Good work on your workout....rowing sucks! I will take it easy on the "non functioning" leg too....jackass ;)
jk - it was great to see you today as well.
YUP - gotta take care so i can get back to racing - the thing that I love most and makes me - me. Can't wait to race again...geesh - it's been a while now....
shari, whats wrong with the leg and hip?
Hey Jen,
well the best way for me to put it is it's fucked up. I can't put all of my weight on it...running is basically reduced to a jog - I can't even believe I typed that word - !! JOG?? WTF!! I don't jog - old people with short shorts, knee highs and a sweat band jog. Me, I RUN!! Not lately though ...I think the last time I ran I did a 8:27MM which is super slow for me, not bad for most people, but going backwards in speed for me. I see my doctor again today to see about another stress fracture. I don't know how I get them...I don't weigh more than 105 pounds. Can you tell I'm bitter ?? This is how I get when I can't RUN...long....fast....hard...RUN!! ARGH!!! shoot me now.
OK, here I am, the old person with shorts, knee highs and a sweat band . . . JOGGING!! :) ha ha! Slowly moving at a snail's pace . . .
Mishi -
You do NOT jog....funny girl :) I'm just frusterated that's all - as long as you move that's all that matters cousin. Plus you're not injured, are you ? I AM!!! Maybe there's something to be said for running slow....you don't get hurt! Love you
What is this "jogging" you are referring to? It is a figment of your imagination. You are either walking or running. Pace is just based on training and ability so don't sweat it. If someone asks what you are doing, tell them you are running. If they ask why you are going to slow tell them you are tapering. If they continue to ask stupid questions, tell them to fuck off!
Otherwise, just listen to your body and keep pushing forward. Good job!!
You are so right!!! LOL!! I love the way you put it - "tapering" or "fuck off" Hmm...which one do I use ??? decisions...decisions. Thanks for the motivation and I will press forward with al my might.
I am going to try this session tonight! 3 rounds of Jackie! Looks nasty! But we love nasty...
Ok, I tried this WOD yesterday. But I forgot to start the stopwatch! It was roughly just over 30 minutes I think! I need to work on the chin ups as they are my slow point! It was hot in the gym (summer in Australia!)so I looked like I had showered in my clothes by the end of it! Enjoyed the WOD though!
Keep posting your challenges!
Thanks for giving it a try - sounds like you did great! How's the Zone treating you ??
Hi Shari,
I have read up the ZONE and will do a big grocery shop this week and probably start this coming weekend. Its basically not too much different from the way I eat now. But I don't measure my portions as strictly at the moment.
Can I still have my coffee in the morning? That is the only thing I have sugar in.
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