Warm up
row 1,000 meters
(warm up to find max at shoulder presses)
10 reps at 33 pounds
5 reps at 43 pounds
3 reps at 48 pounds
2 reps at 53 pounds
2 reps at 63 pounds
1 rep at 68 pounds (got it up with good form, but that was a max effort)
Workout :
WOD shoulder presses
used 53 pounds
Then later I did "Elizabeth" which was
21-15-9 reps of
cleans and ring dipps
I used 53 pounds (should have gone heavier, but am taking it easy on my knee)
did all legit ring dipps
TIME: 10:43
Tabata L sits alternated with pass throughs to hold
And then I called it a day!!!

Hey Shari,
my runs are getting better BUT really need to turn up the weights...at first when I started just wanted to get my wind back and build the endurance up BUT now I am ready to get MORE Focus on MY CORE!!! I can tell already that a strong CORE will create a STRONGER Run!
Hey, that ELIZABETH looks like a Bitch -LOL
Great Workout !!
Hey Shari, I feel your pain. It's been almost two weeks that I've not felt like myself. I have some tummy bug that I can't kick. I'm not so sick that I can't do anything, but just sick enought that I should not and can't workout. AAHAH! I'm going mad! I'm missed two days of work and countless workouts.
Today is a big day for Primal Fitness and I just hope I feel well enough to have some fun today.
Elizabeth IS a BITCH!!! But, it felt great. Start checking out the CrossFit website and see the exercises and the WOD;s (workout of the day) check how to perform thekm correctly and give it a try....or see if there is a CrossFit affiliate near you would be the best bet!!
I'm sorrty to hear that you have been sick....get better my friend. There is definitely a nasty bug going around that takes a while to get over.
listen to your body and you will feel better soon. Good luck...
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