Okay this is day 2 of my strict Zone diet.....here's my rant....
WTF is the matter with Americans and food ? That is my question. Last night Brendan and I watched a movie called "Fast Food Nation" it left me feeling completely disgusted with how people eat fast food(me excluded - I haven't eaten fast food in like 20 + years) It was alll about the shit Americans consume because we are all about fast fast fast. Oh and slaughtered beef - GROSS I think I'm sticking to chicken and fish! Today when I went to the grocery store I was acutely aware of all the people around me and what they were putting in their baskets. Not to mention how the stuff they were eating made them look. It seemed to me I looked anorexic compared to most of them. It made me feel very sad that they seem so unhealthy and do not need to be that way. It made my stomach turn. Frozen corn dogs, potatoe chips, soda, TV dinners, kids Lunchables, ice cream, donuts....sugar-sugar-sugar. THAT IS WHY WE ARE THE FATEST NATION PEOPLE! Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. Produce, dairy, meats....you cannot go wrong if you stay away from the center of the store. Safeway has this new ingenius nut bar. OMG you HAVE got to go there! They have every nut you can think of roasted and served warm to you. You can even make your own nut butter...awesome. I got a ton of nuts and cashew butter for my fat blocks tomorrow. I can't wait!! I don't mean to sound at all judgemental -well kind of not - but I don't know why i was so in tune with it today. Maybe because I am strict now...I dunno. When did food become the enemy people? It seems to me that people are eating to get them to an early grave instead of eating for health. Just a thought....PLEASE don't be offended by what I have to say. I was simply noticing how we eat as a nation...watching that movie really set it off for me.Here's my day #2...
6:00am Zone bar & coffee with half & half
9:00am - Crossfit workout
15 hang squat cleans 25 pound dumbells (50 # total)
400 meter run
repeat 4 rounds for time
I finished 3rd place in 19:23 or so....
10:00am 1 hardboiled egg, 1 ounce cheese, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blackberries, 6 cashews
12:45 barfed up my vitamins. NEVER take them on an empty stomach again...
1:45 4 cups greens, 1 cup diced tomatoes, 2 ounces grilled chicken, 6 cashews, 2 T salad dressing
3:00 Zone bar, coffee with half & half
7:00pm 1 ounce chicken, 1 ounce cheese, 1 corn tortilla(14 grams of carbs which makes it a 2 blocker) avocado & olive oil to crisp the tortilla
1 gallon of water consumed, more vitamins (duh!) and perfect 10 blocks for the day....
Okay...that's my rant. Hope I didn't offend anybody. I didn't mean to....