Yesterday Annie, Danielle, Dylan and I went to Burlingame to the LuLuLemon store where we shopped like crazy! In case you have never heard of Lululemon - it's the best athletic wear out there besides Nike!! They have great bright colors (as you can see) and the fabric breathes and hold shape during long hard workouts - AND the clothing makes you look smokin HOT! Brendan gave me his credit card (he must be crazy) and I got this outfit - green cropped pants with side ties, dark green jog bra top and the white running jacket....I LOVE THEM!!!!
After we got back Annie and I did a little workout - 30 second squat hold come up then back down for a total of 4 minutes. Then we did some handstand pushups for 4 minutes. I did GHD sit ups and back extensions.....that was all I had time for before i had to get my kiddos from school. Annie also bought me an AMAZING bag from LuLuLemon that's green and olive and I ADORE IT!!!!! I'll probably take a pic of it and post it so you all can drool like I do over it ;)
I think you have it backwards - it's you who makes the clothes look hot.
I wouldn't look good in that outfit.
You're a hot chili in chili skins!
too sweet. Thahks ;) could always try it on and see if it's your color !! hee hee
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