Back in The Zone
I have been eating the CrossFit prescribed diet - the Zone- for over a year now. It's gotten super easy for me and I love the way it makes me feel. That being said I have gotten pretty laxed about my measuring and weighing lately. As those of youu who eat the Zone know, if you don't weigh and measure you are NOT in the Zone at all!! So, being disgusted with my lack of focus on my eating I have decided to get strict and log what I'm doing here for you all..... I'm not looking to loose weight....a little fat maybe but most of all to improve performance and gain strength. I coach people on how to eat in the i had better be strict if I am requiring my clients to be!!! Stay posted this evening where I will break down my meals for today......
Yep, it's irritating to have a "trainer" that weighs more than me and has much more baggage telling me that I'm out of shape and the only hope is to follow their advice.
But you're so ripped and buff, I don't think you're even a little close to that.
It would be good to see your CrossFit diet, though.
I would never listen to somebody who didn't put their advice into practice in their own lives.....I don't ask anything of my clients that i don't do myself. I eat the Zone and have for the past couple years - I only got off track a little with not measuring. I still don't eat sugar or anything like that nor do I drink alcohol....I just want to get back to being super strict....I'll post this evening so you all; can take a look at a day in the Zone. IT's pretty much the same every day....thanks for stopping by. And for the "your ripped" comment ;)
I'm glad your going to talk more about your Zone eating. I just can't get into the book. Which means I'm not getting the zone. Maybe you can help me.
Jen, I would LOVE to help anyway that I can. It is my belief that the Zone is THE best way of eatting for ultimate performance and for looking your best. Have you read the Xfit Journals?? Issue #21 and in October 2005 Nicole wrote a article called " Getting off the Crack" all about her first weeks in the Zone. Super helpful and issue #21 lays everything out for you.
Shari, yes I have read that. It's awesome. overall I eat smart. Lots of greens and chicken, fish some fruit. No fast food for me. As far as food goes I live in a divide house. Diane is just not into Zone. She eats like I do but she is a rice/ice cream lover. We are a health eating house and for Diane that's good enough. You wont find crap food here and we watch our portions.
For me I just need to understand the zone better. I have the book and everything. As far as reading it well...not so much! I just can't get it to sink into my thick head how to workout how much I should be eating.
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