Monday's CrossFit workout:
800 meter run
50 back extensions
50 GHD sit ups
x 3 rounds for time.
I finished in 26:10:53
pretty good time- the 800's seemed easy for me, except the first round...
Tuesday's Workout:
Run 6 miles on treadmill at 6am at a 6:45 minute pace....
CrossFit Workout:
5 handstand pushups
10 pull ups
25 air squats
How many rounds can you do in 20 minutes ?
I managed to complete 10 rounds, which was pretty good.
The strict Zone must be working. I wanted cereal last night badly, but opted for a 2 block Zone bar as a treat instead...as it was I got in 10 blocks yesterday so i needed the extra 2 block bar for energy for today's workout!!
The handstand pushups are a little tricky for me, but after round 3 I got it down pretty okay, and the pull ups seemed easy. Brendan shot this pic of my back while getting ready to go upside down. He said it looked sexy. That's what I want.....a SEXY, STRONG back. I saw a while ago a picture of somebody's back and they labeled it 'crossfit back' but it didn't really look that strong to me....now THIS is strong!! hee hee....I want to be my heros Nicole, Eva and Annie when I grow up and have muscle like them!! I'm on my way.....
Hi Shari, Very impressive pic!!! What are the chances of you uploading a close-up pic (or pics) of the tatts on your shoulders? I hope that doesn't sound too weird - lol.
Dang girl, you have some serious muscle back there! And yes, it looks awesome. Keep up the great, hard work! You really keep me motivated to get out there and run, to make better food choices, and to do those CF workouts. Thanks Shari! I wanna be like you when I grow up. ;)
Definately a CrossFit back! :)
You inspire me, Shari. I started CF just a week ago and although I've had to modify many of the WODs (broke my wrist in Jan and just got the cast off 2 weeks ago), I'm loving it! Thanks for posting and motivating me. :)
You are a Nicole or Eva! For sure sista! You rock! I don't know if you saw but I did my Cert in NC. It was an ego buster since I was/am still injured. Yet, great overall. I can't wait to get my level two. Coach was awesome it was like getting together with an old friend!
I guess someone's got to say it: 'Baby got back!' ;)
Haha, you said it Steve.
Shari, you're a jacked beast. You probably C&J about a billion kilograms. For reps.
that's not weird....I'll get Brendan to take some shots when he gets back from the O-Lifting competition in Georgia....thanks for wanting to see what the HELL is on my arm anyway ;)
Awww...thanks for the sweet words. I say the same about YOU...you inspire me to speed it up a little!! BTW...you ARE just like me, a motivated, fit, runner woman!!
Thanks for stopping by! If anything I say on this little blog helps you jump into CrossFit and being the best you can be then I am stoked!!! Keep it up and do the modifications until you heal and you'll be kickin ass in no time!
I just love you girl! Hey, I knew you were going to be at thre NC cert...were you in the video of "Cindy" workout ? Wasn't it the best!? Coach pretty much rules. He's a sweetheart too ;) glad you get your level 1...keep it up Jen. You are amazing!
LOL you're too funny. Thanks for the compliment ?
Hmm...sounds like a challenge coming on? Naw...I'm not up to the billions just yet...but slowly getting there. :) C you soon!
He definitely SHOULD compete - but he is there as a trainer to Eva T. who is competing. Thanks for stopping by!!!
Let us know how Eva does when you've heard!
Also, this summer Russ and I are trying to get a group of people to do CF in Monterey. Most of our CF workouts will be in my backyard ("The Warzone") and on the big sandhill at Carmel Beach. You and Brendan should come down and work out on the beach with us during the summer, if you have the time. It's gonna be awesome.
I was at HQ today! I was hoping to see you, but I should be there at least once more before I leave next weekend. See you soon, I hope.
Baby got BACK --LOL nice pic :-)
Shari, I'm missin' your blog! Come back soon!!! Hope you're well. :)
Starting tomorrow April first I will be on a three week strict Zone diet, mostly Paleo foods. Seeing your blog and checking out your photos inspired me greatly, also I completely agree with your March 22 Rant about our fast food nation. Its depressing seeing all of the unhealthy people in our society! You're looking great and I love the ink!
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