I love when the weather gets warm enough to wear all the cute dresses! This was taken on Thursday evening - I know I'm so bad at posting these days so I'll try to catch up. I had to go to a co-parenting class that's required by the courts when you split from your partner and there are kids involved. I have to say it was SO HARD to hear everything that was said in class because it was all from the childs perspective on divorce. I looked around the classroom and everybody looked emotionless - except me who was in the back crying the entire 3 hours. I love my children so much and I just want them to know that even though the marriage between their father and me didn't work out, that we both love them with all that we are. I know that Randy and I are in a great place where we can communicate without yelling, and we respect eachother as parents. Thank God our co parenting style was the one that parents are supposed to strive for. It took a while, but we are giving the children the best and helping them to adjust. It's just very strange to stand back and look at where my life had led me. I want to be a better person and a better mother. I want to learn from my mistakes and bad judgements......the class was very informative and I was the nly one in that damn class taking notes - can you believe that ? Some people were even sleeping!! I don't understand that at all...this was information to help you help your children during a confusing time - take the damn notes and pay attention!!!!
Hi Shari. I went through a very sad divorce on '02, and it took all I had to survive it. I'm so glad it's behind me and although my ex husband and I are far from chummy, we do have respect for each other and we do agree on parenting in such a way that our children don't grow up confused, blaming themselves, and suffering any more than they already have. It has taken a lot of work but the kids are doing wonderfully! A long time ago their dad and I agreed never to talk negatively about one another in front of them, and never to use them as our messengers. We also try to instill the same house rules between both houses, to make things easier on them. It has worked.
You know, even though it has been several years and all of our lives have moved forward and gotten better, there are still some nights when the kids are at their dad's that I just sob, sob, sob because I miss them so much. It still breaks my heart that our divorce has forced them to live in two different houses. We certainly don't spoil them when they're here, but we definitely let them know how much we missed them when they were gone.
I'm remarried now, and so is their dad, and they have new half-siblings. They look like they've adjusted very well, but of course they are the only ones that know what's going on in their hearts. I just pray that they feel happiness despite their parents not being together. I think they do.
Anyway, you have a big heart and you are a good mom and that's why you were taking such good notes in that class. Keep it up! Your kids will forever be grateful for it.
P.S. Cute dress! I love your necklace too.
OMG thank you SO much for your message. It's `wonderful to know that somebody else has gone through what I am and has made it out okay. Sounds like you handled it the best you could as well - as Randy and I are. I cry sometimes at night when the kids aren't here too. I worry that my choices will make thgem hate me. That is normal. I read it in the hand out at class, and took notes on it.
Thanks for being transparent to me. I SO appreciate it. I am happy that you found somebody new and are happy.....
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