Brendan took me out to sushi last night for dinner in the village. I never used to like sushi - now I LOVE it! I even eat salmon....crazy I know. One of our favorite places to go is Paradise Sushi in Capitola village....it's super good! Yummy cheat food! Today I am running outside for 8 miles at a moderate pace. No CrossFit today except back extensions and an ab circuit. Have fun - it's supposed to be HOT this weekend!!!
Looks like your running is back in gear. Congrats.
thanks....it's getting there. I need to keep working on my speed and stamina.....see you soon ?
I will be back in May. I have been sick for over a week, so my training has not been very good lately. I am training for the CF games on June 30.
falcon 5,
Good for you!! I'll be at the games as well.....hope you're feeling better and tear it up again real soon! See you in May
I love sushi! That's a "cheat" food? Is it because of the sodium or the rice? I always thought it was a healthy option... oops!
I was wondering what training plan you used for your last marathon. I know you said your PR was around 3:25 and that's awesome. I want to try to get a 3:30 in Boston, but of course I'll be happy as long as I beat the time I qual'd with (3:40).
Anyway, if you get a chance can you let me know which marathon training plan you used? I might try to use it for my next one in the fall. Thanks Shari!
yes, sushi is a cheat food because of the white sticky rice - high gylcemic. the fish and veggies are good - but the white rice isn't. Anyway - I don't use a marathon training program. I never run farther than 15 miles before a marathon, and I just do it and shoot to be faster then my last one. Hope that helps ;)
Okay woman, now you just make me sick! ;)
You ran that fast of a marathon with only 15 milers under your belt? Can I call you Lance Armstrong?! You really do have a natural talent for running. WOW! I know I've told you this before, but I'll say it extra loudly this time. YOU ROCK SHARI!
And no, there's no way in heck I'd be able to run a fast marathon with only 15 miles in me as the longest run. I'd crash and burn for sure. Oh well, I can't have it all. Thanks for answering so quickly!
My first marathon I followed the Jeff Galloway schedule and I went into the marathon burnt out because I alrready knew what it was like to run 26 miles and I was exhausted and injured. The next marathon I decided to train MY way and I finished in 4:30 - my first marathon was 5:45. So...that led me to believe I was on to something. The next marathon after that I only ran 14 miles MAX for training and I finished in 3:45 and the times kept getting faster the less I trained miles. I DID train speed drills, 800 meter repeats and cut downs and CROSSFIT. So...it worked for me, maybe it'll work for you too. The body remembers what it feels like to run miles - work on strength and speed drills. You'll do amazing!! What marathon are you running again ?
Boston! Same one you should be runnin' Miss Speedy! ;) I might try your method for this year's CIM. I KNOW just the two days a week I do CrossFit has helped me get stronger and faster.
Ooooh Lala mamasita!! You look amazing. So I started running again, YAY!!! I feels so good. So after I shed some of these pounds maybe I'll have the guts to show my face around your HQ. Hope all is well with you and your fam. Hopefully we'll talk soon.
You're right...I should be at Boston this April!!!! I'm WAY better than I was - but not 100% enough to take on a marathon next month yet.....I am registered for the Nike Womens marathon in October though - then I'll do CIM again in December and FOR SURE Boston next April!!! Maybe we can run CIM together. I'll get you there in your goal time if you want. It would be fun!!!
Hey girl! AWESOME news!!! I guess your foot is better then ? Um...you don't have to loose weight forst to workout silly girl. I would LOVE to have you come on down and let me teach you what CrossFit is all about. Besides, you'll loose whatever weight you want to faster, and you'll get stronger, AND I'll put you in the Zone. You'll be putting all the women to shame this summer on the beach!! Oh...thanks for the sweet little compliments. I love that skirt...it's my favorite and I haven't worn it in a while....talk to you soon. CALL ME!!
Shari I would love to run with you at the CIM this year! You'll probably be way too fast for me and I will most likely be sucking wind and eating your dust, but I'll certainly try to keep up!
I'll have to see how my training goes throughout the year. If I can nail a 1:35 or less in the San Jose half marathon in October, I'll shoot for a 3:20 marathon at the CIM. By then you'll be doing a sub-3!!! That's okay, you can cheer me on when I cross the finish line at least 20 minutes behind you. :)
I was going to run the Nike Women's Full also, but decided on just 2 marathons this year. I think the CIM will be fun because it's the 25th anniversary, and knowing the course always helps.
I know you would definitely push me to do my best, so I would gladly run any race w/ ya!
And I just read your latest post. Just so you know there is NO visible fat on your body to lose! But I understand your need to lead your clients by example and I applaud you for that. :)
Don't sell yourself short girl. You are FAST as hell...I read your workouts and you are definitely there with me if not faster than me in a lot of ways. Remember I have been nursing a WAY injured back since August...hence why there will be NO Boston this year (again). I would LOVE to run CIM with you. We can cheer eachother on and help keep the other company in silence...it's always the best way to run a marathon in my opinion (to have a pacer the whole way) besides we have the same marathon finish times. You are ahead of me in the game since you haven't been injured....I have until December to catch ya girl...Keep up the great training and it's a date for the CIM!!! We'll make sure we get a training run in together around October at the half way point. Maybe on my side of town new the ocean cliffs ? Just a thought. YEA I'm excited!!! Thanks also for the "I have no fat comment" - I am doing it not for that so much as for performance reasons. I want to pull away from the pack even more....
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